
Dance with Dragons - a review

A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This is a wicked, horrible book. Do not read this series.

I don’t know why I finished it. Can’t resist plots of political intrigue, I suppose.
And I wanted to see what the culture was in such a tizzy about. But looking into this cesspool is indeed nauseating.

The last in his Game of Thrones 5 volume series, yet still unfinished, Martin satisfies only salaciously. He cannot finish a story, or convey meaning with his world building, because his worldview is nihilistic. The only thing that really matters is power. “Words are wind” is a repeated theme, though better minds know that the world was MADE with words.

Soaked with crass vulgarity on nearly every page, Martin seeks to shock, and it’s closer to X than R rated, on the movie scale. This isn’t just sexual innuendo – it’s in your face gratuitous violence and sex, meant to make you think that life is just meat and flesh, and then it’s done. Materialistic despair, run amok, seeking to soothe it with whatever power and pleasure you can get.

Interestingly, Martin is deliberately non-egalitarian. Jaime is a better knight than others. Tyrion has more wits than most around him, and so survives and advances though he is a dwarf. Rulers who are humble like Jon Snow, and less arrogant or cock-sure like Cersei Lannister get on better.

This nausea-inducing series paradoxically gives me hope. I see more clearly now how despairing people are, apart from Christ. They are desperate for hope, though most Martin readers are probably like the dwarves in The Last Battle, who will refuse to believe in the opposite good, true Story, even when it’s shown to them clearly in the face.

At least I know a little better now, how to speak to them the Gospel of hope, the antidote to this nihilism.

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The Bible - a review


ESV Study BibleESV Study Bible by Anonymous
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just finished reading through the Bible, and it hit me that I might do a “review.”
[This isn't a review of the ESV Study Bible, just the text of the Bible itself.]

Of course, you don’t review a book that GOD wrote the same way you do books that humans write.
But still. I thought it would be a helpful exercise.

Made up of 66 books written over centuries by many different human authors, the Spirit inspired each of them to contribute to one grand narrative. The creation, fall, and reclamation of humanity for the glory of God. The Bible makes sense of life, telling us how we should be living, what we were made for, and why things are as miserable as we are because we don’t live up to God’s purpose for us.

A diversity of genres make up the Bible. History in the first third or so, mixed in with statutory laws on how to live and worship. Poetry in the middle, on how to speak and relate to God in various circumstances, as well as practical wisdom in how to live well. Prophecy completes the middle third, which we ought to pair with the history of the kings more than we think to do. The prophets clearly spell out why God’s judgment comes on His people, and on other nations. The Gospels beginning the new testament are a unique genre that narrate the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. The epistles mostly explain the meaning of the person and work of Christ further, and teach the church how to live, believing in Him as their Lord and Savior. The last book shows that God is at work, even when horrible things happen around us and to us.

A key point: God’s purpose is potent. He will bring His people to Himself throughout history, and see His will done, regardless how horrific things are in the present. He means to sanctify us by His Spirit, as He has redeemed us at the cross of Christ. Nothing will stop this.

Take up your Bible, and read. Be encouraged. Reconnect with your Creator. Re-center yourself on the Christ who is the center, and who holds it all together.

The only book that will ever receive 6 out of 5 stars, not that my rating matters…

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Criminalizing Post-Abortive Women Doesn’t Work – Now

A guest post by my daughter, Grace, contra abortion abolitionists.


Abortion abolitionists claim that because abortion is murder, the law ought to reflect this by criminalizing post-abortive mothers, and therefore establishing justice for the unborn. Abolitionists are correct in their moral ideology. Elective abortion is murder, not because a law calls it murder, but because the procedure, whether performed medically by pill or surgically, intentionally destroys a human life which is made in the image of God. This should be obvious to any Bible believing Christian. Any society which holds founding principles derived from Christianity should recognize this and implement laws which reflect the murderous nature of abortion.

Abolitionists are wrong to ignore the mechanics of politics and the legislative process. The insistence that abolitionist bills are the only morally acceptable type of bill by which justice can be established against abortion creates a black and white moral framework rarely fits into the mucky grey of politics.

First, the briefest of practical political application: It's not practically obvious that a pregnant mother can be criminalized, depending on the culture of the state in which an abolitionist bill would be proposed. Within supermajority or very strong Republican states where the culture already accepts abortion as murder and post-abortive mothers as murderers, abolition bills would help solidify the Christian mores which that state’s constituency and culture desires. However, federally, and in most states, a legislator (who is elected by a public which does not view post-abortive mothers as infanticidal criminals) who carries an abolitionist bill in the current culture puts a shotgun to their own knee. Depending on how bad the PR fallout is, their constituents will fire them next election and replace them with a legislator more moderate on abortion, causing the prolife or abolitionist legislator to lose their job without effecting change, and causing the prolife or abolitionist lobby to lose an ally by which they could have proposed further bills. In many states, it may very well be bad stewardship of our prolife allies and representatives to strong arm them into carrying an abolitionist bill to committee if the odds of the bill dying are high and the odds of a different prolife bill passing are high. Some wars are won through a blitz. Some wars are won through an island-hopping attrition campaign. Wisdom is knowing what kind of war you are in. The battle in Arkansas is not the same as the battle in New York.

I think, however, that the entire abolition vs. prolife debate misses the point and sounds too much like asking, “Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?” The debate strikes me as a marked failure of Christians (abolitionist or prolife or otherwise) to understand the pro-abortion strategy. The battle is not being fought at the level of the state laws, it is being fought at the level of the culture and the level of state constitutions. As state after state caves to a popular pro-abortion constitutional amendment, we ought to recognize that without cultural change, even if our legislators passed abolitionist laws in every state, we would still lose this war via popular votes on state constitutions. A primary example is Ohio, a supermajority Republican state with a Republican governor, which still voted popularly for a constitutional right to unlimited abortion up to and including the moment of birth. No abolitionist law could have saved them, and even if one had passed, it would now be considered an unconstitutional law in Ohio and would be struck from the books in short order, likely with great pomp and circumstance by the pro-abortion lobby.

One of the main arguments of the abolitionists is to say that the law is a tutor, and with an abolitionist law, many women would be deterred from procuring abortions. To say that the law is a tutor is true, but it’s an oversimplification.

The culture for the last 100+ years has learned that the emotional and intellectual self is the highest moral authority, and if that selfish moral authority requires the death of unborn children, so be it (see Carl Trueman’s Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self ). An abolitionist law passed and enforced tomorrow will not undo the last 100+ years of cultural self-worship. It will only spit in the eye of a much stronger cultural power, a power which has no problems exerting itself on millions of unborn children. Expect disastrous reprisal. Many abolitionists criticize Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization as a legal prolife victory resulting in sweeping cultural pro-abortion victories worsening the situation in many states. How would an abolitionist law be any different? While we shouldn’t modify our language or message in order to make the leading class of the pro-abortion movement like us (they never will), we would be wise to take some cues from their winning strategy. They didn’t need the law to teach culture, they simply captured the institutions until their cultural power increased to critical mass. By the time Roe v. Wade came before the Supreme Court, it was already too late, the pro-abortion wing had won.

I’ll cite the Comstock Act as a law originally written in 1873, in a more Christian and principled America. The Comstock Act is currently on the books, currently in effect, which legally prevents people from mailing obscene material, including abortion pills. Abolitionists might think that this law is currently acting as a tutor, teaching the culture about the moral wrong of shipping abortion pills from state to state. Unfortunately, the Comstock Act is not enforced because our judicial system and society at large no longer holds the moral principles of 1873. Federally, we lack the moral framework even to desire to enforce the Comstock Act.

Equal protection and justice for the unborn is a good, moral, and righteous idea, if the law is a good, moral, and righteous law, and if the judicial system applies the law in a good, moral, and righteous way by good, moral, and righteous people. Despite the blessing of our judicial system, we should recognize its brokenness, the current brokenness of our culture, and the depravity of any human being, whether they be judge, juror, lawyer, or police officer. If tomorrow you passed an abolitionist law, and the day after you brought a woman to trial for getting an elective abortion with full knowledge of the personhood of the baby and the process of an abortion, not a single person on that jury would find her guilty of first-degree homicide, no matter how strong the evidence. Judeo-Christian morality lacks the cultural strength it held in 1873, and unfortunately, this means that many laws which work within a Christian moral framework, such as the Comstock Act, are culturally rejected, and therefore left unenforced.

That’s a sad state of affairs, but it’s the current state of affairs, and a legal change will have little effect on the culture. The only way the culture will truly change is through the spread of the Gospel. This is where our efforts should be focused. God will grant the cultural change as He sees fit, but let us not be caught slacking in our commission.



The Road to Serfdom - a review

The Road to SerfdomThe Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A. Hayek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A tour de force of conservatism, which I’ve been meaning to read for many years, Hayek does NOT disappoint.

Writing in England near the end of World War II in 1944, Hayek raises the alarm: many Europeans are adopting the same socialism that Germany did in the buildup to Hitler. Collectivism, whether fascist or communist, is the road to serfdom. Western nations must resist it and insist on the first political principle of individual liberty. State bureaucrats should not plan our economy – the free market is the best instrument for this.

The ad Hitlerum argument is overplayed these days, but for Hayek it packed a powerful punch. The carnage he wreaked had become evident. And Hitler was the one who wanted to organize society and industry under the state, subsuming the family, church, and individual. Now the socialists in the west want to do the same! No. Let the market sort out the best allocation of resources.

At many points, Hayek is prescient in seeing the downsides of the United Nations and the European Union, neither yet formed when he wrote.

There was a strange section I think I disagreed with, where Hayek argues that no society has a comprehensive ethical system. Therefore we cannot have central planners dictate rules for everyone, since not everyone agrees to all the moral priorities. There is some truth to this, in realpolitik, especially surveying our divided society today. But he doesn’t address the Judeo-Christian heritage in Scripture, which certainly DOES provide Western nations of Christian heritage with a comprehensive ethical system. Should Hayek’s libertarianism be moderated by some sort of Christian theonomy? This debate rages today.

Be that as it may, Hayek is a master in exposing the good intentions of socialist planners as totalitarians at heart. Even today, especially today, subsidizing various industries in many areas of the economy (green energy comes to mind), these socialists continue today to chip away at freedom, seeking to plan and direct the free economy to their own ends. Even the right has gotten on board lately, with their tariffs and nationalism.

Hayek is a helpful political compass to bring us back to what government is FOR. Not directing a society to the state’s “ethical” ends, but enforcing established rule of law so individuals can plan effectively how to use their resources to the fullest.

Hayek was an academic, and is not very easy to read. His average sentence length is probably double that of popular writing today. But it is well worth the effort. A rare 5 stars!

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