
Live streaming // Locusts in Africa

Tim Challies has a thoughtful piece on how his church has thought through live streaming.
They've begun thinking of it as a chapel service, not a true worship service of the gathered under elder oversight.
I'm not there, myself.  Oversight of teaching by elders can be given as well online as in person.
But there are good points here about the ways in which a live stream is NOT full-on church.
Music really suffers, and I think that's the big pinch for most churches that are very praise band-dependent.
For bigger churches with staff to video edit, it might make sense to patch together the worship elements from different people.  But in a small church setting like mine, I value the simplicity of one elder simply walking through the usual worship service.  That way, I can stay as focused on content, and not be as distracted by the new medium.

Swarms of locusts, unprecedented in size, in Africa.  Devastating on top of the pandemic.

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