
Traditions and Contaminants - Mark 7 - Bible notes

  1. Jesus points out that the Pharisees observe human traditions fastidiously, but overturn God's law to keep those traditions.
  2. What is IN you makes you sinful, not what comes to you from OUTSIDE.
  3. 24-30 - your external circumstances don't contaminate you, but what you believe does
  4. Jesus can restore anything lost: sight, hearing, etc.

  1. Make sure to let God's Word define right and wrong, not the traditions you are used to.
  2. You're not guilty by what the world throws at you, but by what you accept from it.
  3. However on the margin of society you may be, God will hear you if you believe Him.
  4. However deep your loss, Jesus can restore it and bring you back.


Herod and John - Jesus Walks on Water - Mark 6 - Bible notes

I'm blogging these Bible notes for three reasons:

1. Bible literacy.  When we summarize in our own words what we read, it makes us think about it freshly.

2. To see Jesus in the Bible.  Not too hard in Mark, I know, but what exactly is being asserted about Jesus in any given account?

3. How should we apply Scripture?  There are better and worse ways, so here are some good ones.

Verses 1-6

Jesus was rejected by His hometown of Nazareth.  Familiarity can breed contempt.  If you have the happy providence to be around spiritually healthy and vibrant people, do not take it for granted.  Also, we can resent people for being more gifted than we are, and Jesus was the greatest of all.

Verses 7-13

Jesus sends the disciples out to mimic His ministry.  While we don't seek to cast out demons or miraculously heal anymore, we are to meet physical needs, and proclaim the same message Jesus did: repent!

Verses 14-29

Herod hears about Jesus and is convinced He is John the Baptist back from the dead to haunt him.  Herod liked listening to John, though Herod didn't really respond to his preaching.  John told him the Bible said his marriage was improper, so Herod's wife hated him, and got him killed when she got the chance.

It's dangerous to speak truth to power.  Powerful people are often cruel.  But we should apply Scripture to the great, as well as to normal church goers.

Verses 30-44

Meaning to rest, people keep following Jesus.  He teaches them, while the disciples seem impatient to get away.  He miraculously feeds 5,000!

Right when we think we need a little "Me Time," Jesus will plop a "ministry opportunity" into your lap.  Be ready to lay yourself out when you think it's time for a break.

Verses 45-52

Jesus walks on the water, passing the disciples straining in their boat!  They cry out, not for help, but in terror of Him.  So He comforts them and stops the wind.  They aren't catching on, but Jesus as the Son of God controls and can change the physical world.

This passage is often wrongly applied in this way: if you're in trouble and don't cry out to Jesus for help, He'll pass you by.  But that isn't what the text says.  They didn't even know it was Jesus, they just yell in fear.  Like with the 5,000 (vs. 34), Jesus notices they are in trouble, and has compassion.  When you are in so much distress you don't even think to ask the Lord for help, He will help.


Mark 5 - Bible notes

 When they get to the "Other Side" (Canaanite/Demon Land) they naturally meet a devil, after naturally meeting a storm.  No one can subdue this demon.  But Jesus can.  This unsettles the people around.

Jesus can raise a girl from death to life.  He can heal a woman of a 12-year affliction.


1. You will meet evil forces in this world - Jesus sends you out to them.  But you face them with His power.

2. Jesus can easily defeat death and disease.


Mark 4 - Bible notes

 The parable of the soils.  

The purpose of the parables is to keep the unwilling from understanding!  More parables.  

They cross the lake and Jesus calms a storm.


Receive the Word of God in a way that makes you fruitful.

If you don't WANT to know the truth, you won't.

Jesus sends us to difficult places, but helps us weather the storm.


Confirmed as His

The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? 17 Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread. 1 Corinthians 10:16-17.

Some of us are receiving Communion for the first time today.  This is really special!

Others of you have been taking Communion every week, for 20 years.  Do not take this for granted.  

The bread and wine are not magic relics that save you by themselves.  But God is giving you confirmation in this, that you are His.  You are favored by Him.


Welcome and Wash the Body

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.  For the body does not consist of one member but of many.  1 Corinthians 12:12-14

Paul compares the church here to a body with different parts.

The body can be a source of great pleasure, and also a lot of pain.  Relationships are the same way.  Those you are closest to can betray you the deepest.  But Paul reminds us that we are baptized into a body, into the church.  We may not despise or ignore other members.  We are to love each other, as Christ has loved us.

Today we welcome new members and baptize some of them.  It is a joyful time to remember that God washes and welcomes us.

It is also a time to remember that our calling to each other is similar.  Help each other get clean, stay clean, and get cleaner!  And receive each other lovingly.

Let us confess our own sins before Almighty God.


Mark 3 - Bible notes

 Jesus heals on the Sabbath, angering the Pharisees.

Jesus chooses the 12 apostles

Jesus rebuts the assertion that He is from the devil.


1. Follow the spirit of the law, not the letter.  Healing on the Sabbath is good!

2. Jesus chose YOU, not the other way around!

3. Was Jesus a false prophet?  No!  He is working against evil demons, so He can't be for them.  Generally, those producing spiritual fruit are on our side!


On Rush Limbaugh

Yesterday morning, I listened to a short biography of Saint Augustine, and learned that he was a bishop for thirty years.  His was a productive life, with a rocky start.


That same afternoon I heard of Rush’s death.  I don’t mean to compare them morally, or in spiritual stature, but Rush also had a rocky start in his career, then about 30 years of successful performance at the apex of his field.


And it was 30 years ago, almost exactly, that I started listening to Rush.  He was my introduction to conservative politics, at the same time that RC Sproul was awakening me to the delights of Biblical conservative theology.  It set my course of early reading: Thatcher, Reagan, Churchill.  Ryle, MacArthur, Piper.



But what made Rush so significant?


Audience size

Clocking in at 25-ish million listeners every week, Rush could not be ignored.  How did he attract so many?  That’s the real story…


Liberal news bias

Rush filled a big gap in the media world.  As establishment media went from Walter Cronkite’s sound journalism to Dan Rather’s biased reporting, conservatives took note and sought other resources.  Sure, they had National Review, etc.   But daily news without the liberal bias was totally missing.  This bias was a new thing back when Rush started.  Conservative political opinion was suddenly and widely derided in all the news available.  Rush came on the scene and voiced without shame what half the country thought.  Instead of deferring to the beltway establishment, to which he was an outsider, he punched back and rejected their assumptions.  

Rush and Donald Trump were both loved by many for this.  The genius was that he tapped into conservative resentment at being mistreated, misrepresented, and biased against.  Listening to Rush was often a rush of feeling you were sticking it to the liberals who despised you.  This was confirmed to me yesterday, when the BBC came out with the news of Rush’s death, and quickly labeled his views “racist, misogynist, and homophobic.”  Wow.  Totally wrong.

Articulation of conservative principles

A sampling:

1. Less government intrusion and regulation.

2. Let Americans loose to make their own choices.

3. “Environmentalist wackos” aren’t following the science, but finding an excuse for the government to spend tons of money.

4. “Femi-nazis” are not happy people.  He played some feminist’s sound byte over and over: “We’re fierce!  We’re feminists!  And we’re in your face!”

5. Liberals pursue symbolism over substance.  Conservatives want to actually help the poor.  Liberals want to be seen as helping them by grandstanding and throwing money at them, which actually hurts.



Mixing News and Entertainment

After all the serious and stern Brokaws and NPRs of the world, here was a normal guy I could relate to, responding to the world with me, the way I would.  What a relief!


Rush tended his image carefully.  He avoided being seen as a policy wonk, insisting he was an entertainer.  He deftly mixed in important issues with a light hearted approach.  He wove together angry tirades against Clinton or Gore, with Reagan-style optimism that it is “morning in America.”  His serious listeners got mad when he spent his whole first Monday morning segments talking (bragging?) about the weekend golfing with some celebrities, or pow-wowing in the NFL owner’s box at the game.


The most brilliant aspect of his image was the braggadocio.  “With half my brain tied behind my back, just to make it fair” was a favorite tagline.  The genius of this was that his allies took it as good-natured ribbing.  But his enemies thought Rush was serious about himself, seething at his pride and arrogance, which confirmed conservatives in their view that liberals can’t take a joke.



The Down Side

So much for the significance factors.  Here’s a list for Rush-sympathizers to watch out for, as we look to a future America without Rush’s voice.


Rush was not a great moral example.

One of his earlier taglines: “I love the feminist movement.  Especially when I’m walking right behind it.”  Yikes.  He was married several times, swore on the show a lot, and didn’t make faith a major element of his show until the end.  I was thankful for his explicit testimony to faith in Jesus Christ that I saw about a month ago.  But the overall effect of his show was simply to validate the red-blooded American conservative male, with all his boys-will-be-boys moral failures.



Rush appealed to emotion more than we realize.

Anger was the most common.  A natural response, but not good to cultivate, long term.  I notice this when I listen to Ben Shapiro around my family.  They are struck by the negativity, the angry tone.  I think with Rush, too, this won out over the expressed optimism.  Conservatives have always sought to be happy warriors (Bill Buckley’s phrase), but do not often succeed.  The main gist of Rush’s show was to validate our anger at the way things are going in politics.



Rush was a master of ridicule

Tucker, Hannity, Shapiro and others follow this today, and it’s a bad legacy.  Deriding opponents is not a case against them.  Rejecting a liberal’s position should not result in feeling disgusted with them as a person.  We shouldn’t go there.  But Rush actively promoted that derision, and it’s a bad road to go down.  It isolates conservatives from everyone who isn’t on their team, stunting our potential to influence apolitical neighbors in our community.



Going forward

Rush was a Republican.  He galvanized Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America and the Tea Party, later.  But toward the end, he was just an extension of their talking points, and I stopped listening.


The Republican party today is a mess.  Years back, Peggy Noonan interviewed Rush for her book on Reagan.  I don’t think that could happen today.  Noonan is wrapped up in her establishment connections, as her book makes clear.  Her weekly articles drip with moral repulsion for all things Trump.  Meanwhile, Trump and the populist Republicans couldn’t care less about those connections.  There is deep division over this, and you know what they say about a house divided…


We need people who know the establishment system, but who aren’t corrupted by it.  Right now we have populists who don’t know the system, so can’t do much but yell into a bullhorn.  They seek out Gab and Parler as we speak.  These are Rush’s GOP fans, and they are going to be a thorn in the side of the party leadership for a while.  And then we have establishment types like Noonan who care more about their insider people than they do about deep political reform.



Where to go from here?


Emphasize the positive

Conservative commentators gravitate to negative criticism of liberals in power.  Less of this, and more focus on individual enterprise and work ethic would go a long way.  Rush was right about this.



Ask who can fix our problems

This brings us to the faith question.  Liberals tend to be secular, and thus put faith in worldly things, like government.  Biden thinks spending a lot of money will fix the ‘Rona problem.  But Christians know that only Jesus justifying and sanctifying us will fix our social problems.  There will be the occasional governmental solution that helps, but its role is way more limited than we think (“there oughta be a law”…).


Rush pointed us to Jesus at the end of his life, which shows us the way, too.

Public policy matters.  Liberal policies harm, while conservative policies help, or let other institutions help.

But the ultimate issues are spiritual.  As Rush Limbaugh now knows.

Mark 2 - Bible notes

 Jesus asserts He can forgive sins by healing a paralyzed man.

Jesus hangs out with Levi's friends after his conversion.

Fasting is not fitting, where Jesus is.

Jesus as Lord is not subject to the same Sabbath regulations.

This is all Mark's version of Hebrews:  Jesus is greater!


1. Jesus can solve more than your physical and earthly problems.

2. Jesus comes to the "unclean"  You don't have to clean up before coming to Him.

3. Rejoice with Jesus!


The Ministry of Jesus - Mark 1 - Bible Notes


1. John appears as an Elijah, preparing the way for Messiah Jesus.

2. Jesus is baptized, tempted, and begins His work.

3. Every aspect of His ministry is extreme:

 - His message: the Kingdom of God is here!

 - He draws sons from their father

 - He impresses the Harvard of the day (Capernaum) with His authoritative teaching

 - He sends demons away, who call Him Holy One

4. He does this in each town, pursuing the actual work, and not the popularity.  He prays early in the morning.

5. He points healed lepers to the law.


1. We usually need preparation to meet Jesus.  Pray before you read the Bible.  When you have extra time, use it well to equip yourself for the next coming crisis.

2. We are often tempted shortly after experiencing a spiritual high.  Be able to navigate the highs and lows of life faithfully.

3. Following Jesus is a radical enterprise.  He wants your whole life, and in return will deal with all of the deepest problems in your life.

4. Substance over symbolism.  Pursue the work, not the popularity and good perception of others.

5. Jesus doesn't shrug off the law of God (the Old Testament!), but points us to do it.  The ritual parts of it, He fulfills in a way that we don't have to anymore (sacrifices).  But learn from all of God's commands.


The Resurrection of Christ - Matthew 28 - Bible Notes

What happened

1. The women going to treat Jesus' body find an empty tomb.  Angels announce His resurrection.

  Jesus meets them!

2. The Sanhedrin bribe the guards to incriminate themselves, protecting the leaders' own wickedness.

3. Jesus commissions His disciples to tell the world of His authority and commands, baptizing those who submit to Him.

About Jesus

1. Jesus had authority to take up His own life again (John 10:18).  This was one-of-a-kind.

2. Jesus still has all authority, in heaven and on earth.  He uses His power to bless and restore us to God, not to cover and hush up witnesses that speak against Him.


1. Like the women, we often head into hard situations expecting death, trouble.  But Jesus can resolve the deepest problem, defeating even death itself.

2. 'Fess up when you do something wrong that doesn't turn out, and comes to light.

3. Our Lord Jesus requires us to go and tell people about Him.  Specifically to get them to follow Him and His commands.


Jesus' Death and Burial - Matthew 27 - Bible Notes

 What happened

1. The Sanhedrin convicts Jesus, and hands Him over to execution by the Romans.

2. Judas wants an "undo" but it's too late.

3. Jesus doesn't defend Himself before Pilate.  The Jews choose to release terrorist Barrabas instead of Jesus.

4. The Roman soldiers mock Him as "King of the Jews," when He actually IS!

5. Jesus is crucified and ridiculed.

6. The temple veil tears, and the sun goes out, when He dies.

7. Jesus is buried, and the tomb guarded to "prevent" His rising after three days.


1. Legal convictions are not always morally right.

2. You can repent of betrayal, but seldom undo the consequences of it.

3. There is a time to defend yourself, and a time to forego defense.  People often choose a far more harmful option, thinking you (Christianity) are a menace.

4. The world's mockery is rooted in true claims, which they continue to deny.

5. Derision accompanied Jesus' death.  It wasn't only physical pain or spiritual punishment from God (the worst).  Condemnation by society was also there - we must be willing to bear this.  If we cannot renounce reputation in this way, we are in trouble.

6. Jesus' death makes the way for us to enter God's holy presence.

7. No amount of government intervention or activity can stop God from doing His will!


Life lessons from Jesus' Passion - Matthew 26 - Bible Notes

What happened?

  1. The Sanhedrin plots to kill Jesus secretly.
  2. Jesus is anointed in Bethany with expensive perfume.
  3. Judas agrees to make the secret arrest happen, for money.
  4. At Passover, Jesus predicts His betrayal by one of the disciples.
  5. Jesus establishes the Lord's Supper, and predicts Peter's denial.
  6. The Gethsemane prayer and arrest.  His trial before the Sanhedrin.


  1. God's enemies do not fight fairly with His people.
  2. No sacrifice is too great for Jesus.
  3. You'll be tempted to accept worldly benefits if you'll chip away at your loyalty to Jesus.
  4. Jesus knows when this happens, and when we give in to temptation.
  5. Jesus is our Passover Lamb, and wants us to remember it as we remember His death.  Our resolutions to stay loyal to Jesus, like Peter's, ring so hollow when we look at our lives objectively, as Jesus knows us.
  6. Jesus knew the agony that was coming for Him, but submitted to God's will.  Can we submit our lives to Him, not knowing what is coming?  What if it means social disdain and condemnation from society?  Some Christians are too reluctant to give that up - others are too willing to do so.


Diligence and Mercy Means Being Ready for Jesus to Come - Matthew 25 - Bible Notes


 - be ready for the groom's arrival

 - steward well what He has given you until then

 - be merciful to the lowest, for the Lord will take that as a sign of your view of Him!

Jesus is the groom we eagerly await

Apply - keep your relationship with God vibrant, so when He returns you aren't left out in the cold

 - be diligent to multiply the resources God has given you, for His kingdom.

 - our faith is proven by our actions.  Disregarding the lowly shows we are only in it for ourselves, not trusting God to be merciful also to us.  If we don't see ourselves as lowly beggars, spiritually before God, we won't be kind to physically lowly beggars.


Some Political Pigeon Holes and Random Thoughts


An over-riding belief that the ordinary man should be preferenced over the richer or more influential.

The Gamestop incident is a great example.  If you side with the day traders who stuck it to the rich hedge fund insiders, you are a populist.  If you play to the crowd by calling for draining the swamp, speaking against the well-connected establishment, you are a populist.  Trump was more a populist than a conservative.  It was easy for his followers to confuse the two, since they felt disenfranchised as the liberal media/political establishment was against them.


The media has been pushing a false narrative for the last month, that Trump incited a riot and insurrection on January 6.  I don't think his actions and words were wise, challenging the election results so blatantly.  But he did not incite a riot.  Republicans are right to vote no on impeaching him - that doesn't make them "ever-Trumpers."

Big Tech Boycott

I'm fascinated that just 3-5 years ago, boycotts of Target or Starbucks were rejected by evangelicals.

But now, boycotting Google, Amazon, and Facebook is the in vogue thing.  What's the difference?  These last 3 are not more leftist than Target or Starbucks.  Maybe it is a lazy man's way of choosing other online options, while still insisting on attractive in-person options (gotta have your coffee).  I'm not sure.  Where else can I go to get good coffee, underwear, and home goods at rock bottom prices?

Seems like an arbitrary and selfish distinction between companies that I take offense at (google, amazon, etc.) that have online options, and those whose products I still want, though they are just as leftist (Starbucks, Target).


Craftsmanship and Building God's House - Bible Notes - Exodus 35-40

Exodus 35 – no fire on the Sabbath.  Contribute precious metals and yarn/cloth for the tabernacle.

Exodus 36 – Bezalel and Oholiab design and construct all this by the Spirit’s work.  Tabernacle constructed, and the veil, with cherubim woven in.

Exodus 37-39 - they make everything!  At the end, it is all listed, and given Moses' blessing.  It is like a new creation.

Jesus makes and prepares rooms for us to dwell in with Him – John 14:1-2

Apply – this is a high calling: skillful construction and design that beautifies and glorifies God!

Exodus 40 - Moses himself assembles the tabernacle and furniture, and puts the garments on the priests.  God's glory-cloud overwhelms the tabernacle.  Moses can't enter.

Jesus erects His house similarly: the apostles appoint elders; Jesus establishes sacraments.

Apply - all the work we do building a house for God won't mean anything if He doesn't provide atonement for us.  His glory is more than we can stand, without an atoning sacrifice to cause us to stand in His presence.


Golden Calf! Bible Notes - Exodus 32-34

Exodus 32 - Israel gives up on Moses and asks for other gods.  Aaron complies, makes the calf and altar.  Israel worships and "plays."  God tells Moses He will destroy them.  Moses intercedes, goes down, breaks the tablets and the calf, rebukes Aaron, sends Levites to kill 3000 sinners.  He then goes back up Sinai to ask God to condemn him in Israel's place!

Jesus is a greater Moses who pleads for God to spare His people by punishing Him instead.

Apply - we are quick to forsake God and self-control.  We want to make our own gods, so we can play on our own terms.

Exodus 33 - God says He won't go with Israel to Canaan.  (God would meet with Moses face to face in the tent of meeting.)  Moses intercedes successfully again and asks to see God's glory.

Jesus - we see God face to face in Christ.  Jesus gets God's presence to be with us because Jesus finds favor in God's sight.

Apply - we don't deserve Gods' presence of blessing, and rightly mourn its loss.  There is no point desiring blessing/heaven/Canaan apart from God's presence.

Exodus 34 - God passes by Moses - He is merciful but also punishes the guilty.  He promises to drive the Canaanites out - Israel may not ally with them in marriage or in worship.  God summarizes Exodus 21-24 again.  Moses is on Sinai for another 40 days.  He comes down, face shining.  He veils so he can interact with Israel.

Jesus knows God's presence and character perfectly.  At the Transfiguration we see God's glory reflected in Him, but He hid it during His earthly ministry for our good.

Apply - God is brighter than we can stand, but makes Himself known to us in plain ways.  He is merciful and just.


Look upon the Body

David and Goliath includes a gruesome part that doesn’t make it into the Bible story pictures too often.   After the sling and stone, David cuts off Goliath’s head with his own sword!

Once that happens, once everyone sees the dead body, the battle is over.  And yet, it has yet to begin. Once the body is seen dead, the Philistines flee; the Israelites arise and shout and pursue.

Ps 20:7 - "we trust in the name of Yahweh."  This is the same idea as "Do this in remembrance of me."

And this is where we find ourselves in the story, here at the Lord's Table.  With a different Body before us. But when the Body of our Lord Jesus was affirmed dead by the Roman soldiers, the victory was won. But then a plot twist. Jesus comes back to life, His Body raised from death, and here it is before you. Our proper response is to arise, shout and pursue the Philistines.

But remember where the body is, that is before you. YOU are the Body of Christ, Paul writes to the church. The Body of our Lord is not actually before you on the table. It is seated at God's right hand!  And it is seated all around you. You are united with Jesus, and you, His Body, are fed by faithful eating and drinking from this table.


Trust the Name or the numbers?

 Psalm 20:7

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of Yahweh our God."

As we look at David and Goliath today, notice all the talk of weapons in the chapter.  When David says that some trust in horses and chariots, those were the tanks and fighter jets of the day.  The vote counts and political majorities don’t tell you if God is giving the victory.  In Elijah’s day, When Jezebel was firmly in control, but God knew 7,000 faithful to Him.  A small number maybe, but God did a lot with Gideon’s 300.


The key is to take refuge in the name of Yahweh.  David does this.  Jesus did too.


So we need to be asking ourselves: what am I trusting?  My godly façade?  My strength?  My family’s faithfulness?  My country?  All of these may fail, yet Jesus will see us through.

There is one name under heaven that can save us: Jesus.

Let us confess our own sins before almighty God.


Kingdom Obstacles in Church and State

 I had an epiphany today, reading about Jesus cursing the fig tree, in Matthew 21:18-22.

"In the morning, as [Jesus] was returning to the city, he became hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by the wayside, he went to it and found nothing on it but only leaves. And he said to it, “May no fruit ever come from you again!” And the fig tree withered at once. 20 When the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, “How did the fig tree wither at once?” 21 And Jesus answered them, “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen. 22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

Here's the historical context I already knew:

The fig tree was a symbol of Israel's leaders, like an elephant means Republican, to us.

The mountain referred to Herod, who literally moved mountains.  His Herodium, a man-made mountain-fortress, was visible from the Mount of Olives, where Jesus said this.

My epiphany:

The two huge obstacles that the disciples saw to the advance of the kingdom of God were the mainstream church and the state.  The Sanhedrin of Israel, and Herod.  Jesus showed with a miracle that he could wither the official-but-apostate church to nothing in a moment.  Then he promised the disciples in the next breath that they could throw Herod's mountain into the sea, if they had faith.

Our obstacles are the same: a compromising church, and an over-reaching state.

When God's kingdom revives and swells, the state cannot stem the tide - it'll be drowned like Pharaoh's soldiers in the Red Sea.   The mainline church, as we call it, will wither at His command, in its unfaithfulness to bear fruit to Him.


God's Last Word from Sinai - Bible Notes - Exodus 29-31

Bible notes is designed to give you a quick look at how to read the Bible:

1. What does it say?

2. Where is Jesus, here?

3. What does it mean for my life?

Exodus 29 - the priests are consecrated to begin service, with sacrifices, and applying water, oil, and blood to their bodies.

Jesus - God consecrated Jesus to priestly service, anointing Him at baptism with the Holy Spirit.  Jesus, as a greater Moses, sets apart leaders for His church by the laying on of hands of other "priests."

Apply - twice daily sacrifice established.  A good rule of thumb for devotions as a family or as individuals.  See the Book of Common Prayer!

Exodus 30 - the altar of incense, to be used at the same time as daily sacrifices.

 - a tax for every adult for themple expenses

 - the bronze basin - priests need to wash before they serve.

 - formulae/recipes for the holy oil and incense

Jesus - incense?  Read Psalm 45:7-8, which is about Him!

 - tax: Jesus addresses this tax directly in Matthew 17:24-27.  Jesus didn't have to pay it, as an HEIR to the kingdom.  See here for more.

 - basin: Jesus was baptized before ministering on earth.

Apply - incense shows that our sin is not only atoned for by sacrifice, but God replaces it with a sweet-smelling aroma of a reconciled relationship.

 - tax - we should be willing to give financially to the church, and state (Rom 13:6).

 - whatever our service to God, we remember first that He washed us clean in Jesus' blood, making any work of ours pleasing to Him only by that blood/water.

Exodus 31 - who will make all these things?  Men filled with the Spirit.  Keep the Sabbath "above all."

Jesus weaves together the beauty of the robes for His people.

 - He is our supreme Sabbath rest.

Apply - craftsmanship is a matter of the Spirit's gifting.  Sabbath-keeping is a litmus test of our relationship with God.  Sabbath is the last word from Sinai!


Communion and the Law on Sinai - Bible Notes - Exodus 24-28

Exodus 24 - God calls Israel's leaders up Sinai.  Moses arranges offerings.  They go up, see God, and eat and drink.  Then God calls Moses alone up to receive the law.  He enters the glory cloud, receives the law the seventh day, and is on the mountain 40 days.

Jesus is the sacrifice making it possible to ascend and commune with God.

Apply - we need to relate to God on His terms: at His mountain, obeying His word, through Christ's sacrifice.

Exodus 25 - Instructions for building the ark, table and lampstand

Exodus 26 - Instructions for building the tabernacle structure and veils

Exodus 27 - Instructions for building the altar and courts

Jesus tabernacled" with us (John 1:14 - "dwelt").  He is the mercy seat, our bread, light, and altar sacrifice.

Apply - Exodus 25:1-5: God calls us to contribute financially to building the church, for our own good.

Exodus 28 - Instructions for the high priest and priests' robes, the breastpiece with 12 gems for the 12 tribes, the ephod with Urim and Thummim in it, and the turban plate that says "Holy."

Jesus our great High Priest represents His people, is holy, and guides us

Apply - when we pray we are priests.  Remember you are God's treasured child in Christ (the gems).  He calls you to holiness and to hallow His name (the turban).  He invites our requests - seek guidance from Him (the ephod).

 - there is a place "for glory and for beauty" in the public worship of God.


Bible Notes - Exodus 19-23 - Sinai and the Law

Exodus 19 - Israel comes to Sinai.  God's promise to take Israel as His people.  He keeps them from touching the mountain, and comes down.

Jesus is a greater Moses, who goes up and down the mountain, between us and God

Apply - encountering God is usually awesome.  Approaching Him in Christ is even greater (see Hebrews 12:18-29).

Exodus 20 - God speaks the 10 commandments.  Israel is overwhelmied by it and ask Moses to mediate.  Altar laws.

Jesus is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 10:4), and our mediator with God (1 Timothy 2:5).

Apply - God Himself emphasized the 10 commandments by physically speaking them

 - encountering God will likely overwhelm you.

Exodus 21-22 - laws limiting slavery, for human dignity.  Laws for just recompense when damage is done

Jesus - though we violated God's honor with our sin, He paid the required punishment.

Apply - these laws get a lot of flak, but God gave them to restrain our tendency to take advantage of others.

Exodus 23 - give your animals, land, and selves REST.  Keep feasts to me three times a year.

 - promise and command: you will take the land.  When you do, don't bow down to their gods.

Jesus gives us rest.

Apply - we may not seek life and pleasure outside God's design.

What does Jesus Say about Social Justice and the Rich?

Please listen to this podcast!  The perfect convergence of several topics dear to me as a pastor.

 - shows the importance of historical context when reading the Bible

 - refutes the assumption that Jesus was against wealth and prosperity

 - shows an important reason Jewish rulers had for crucifying Jesus

I don't know Bowyer, and haven't read the book, but he is getting a LOT right, here.


Complaining and Conferring - Bible Notes - Exodus 16-18

Exodus 16 - Israel complains again, of hunger.  God gives manna - daily bread - no more.

Jesus is our bread from heaven.

Apply - we should not grasp for more than God gives us.  Jesus is enough.

Exodus 17 - the third complaint, over water.  God gives water from the rock.  Amalek attacks, but God gives victory through Moses' raised hands.

Jesus is the rock from which we get water (1 Corinthians 10:5)

Apply - trust God in thirsty times.  Jesus will intercede for victory for you with His raised hands.

Exodus 18 - Israel comes to Jethro, Moses' father-in-law.  Moses had sent his wife back to him!  For her safety?  Jethro gives good advice before God gives the law, next.

Jesus orders Israel by 50s and 100s when He feeds them in the wilderness, too.

Apply - there is common sense wisdom in the world, alongside God's special revelation by His Word.


Passover and Parting of the Sea - Bible Notes - Exodus 12-15

Exodus 12 - Passover is the first day of your calendar year.  Take a lamb for each house.  Kill it and put its blood on the door.  Eat no leaven.  Tell your children why in future years.  Death came at midnight.  Egypt is plundered.  600,000 Israelite men leave, after 430 years.  Need to be circumcised to eat Passover in the future.

Jesus is the Lamb: when God sees His blood, the death we deserve passes us by.

Apply - mark major moments of God saving you with concrete practices that make it special.

Exodus 13 - God claims the firstborn of every man and beast.  Kill or make a lamb sacrifice for the animals.  God leads Israel by pillars of cloud and fire the long way around so they won't face war right away.

Jesus is the firstborn of God, and also the Lamb that spares them their death.

Apply - we give God the first of what He gives us - NOT the leftovers when we think we are doing okay!

Exodus 14 - Egypt attacks.  Israel freaks.  God parts the sea, and delays Egypt.  Israel escapes through the sea.  Pharaoh tries to chase them through the sea, but drowns.

Jesus is The WAY through the sea, providing escape and deliverance from God's enemies.

Apply - don't freak out when Christ's enemies attack you.  Look to God's power.

Exodus 15 - Moses praises God in song for defeating Egypt.  The women echo response.  Israel moves on.  Water is scarce and bitter.  God miraculously restores it.

Jesus leads us in praising God.  He is our living water.

Apply - we ought to create and compose culture (songs, poems, paintings, etc.) in response to God's redemptive acts.

 - we tend to complain quickly instead of wait patiently for God's provision.


Communion Exhortation - 1 Samuel 16

Baptism is a sign of our entrance into the new life of Christ.

The Lord’s Supper is a sign of our new life nourished, and continually fed.


Remember, at the sacrifice, there was an anointing. The true anointing of our Messiah took place before time, when the Father anointed the Son to proclaim good news to the poor, release to the captives. But the Son was not anointed simply to proclaim this as our prophet, but also to accomplish this as our High Priest and sacrifice. The anointing leads to the sacrifice. The great shepherd is anointed to teach and guide the sheep as their teacher, to sacrifice Himself as their priest, so they wouldn’t have to go to the altar themselves, and to shepherd and rule the sheep, as their king.


Look not on the outward appearance of things here, but look beyond (1 Sam. 16:7): the bread is the body of the Anointed One, sacrificed for you; the wine is the blood of the Anointed One, shed for many, for the remission of your sins.


Call to confession of sin - sharing in Christ's mission

 Q32. But why are you called a Christian?

A.Because by faith I am a member of Christ
and so I share in his anointing.
I am anointed
to confess his name,
to present myself to him as a living sacrifice of thanks,
to strive with a free conscience against sin and the devil
in this life,
and afterward to reign with Christ
over all creation
for eternity.

We are to confess the faith of Christ, sharing in His anointing.

As He is our prophet, priest, and king, so our anointing/baptism into Him gives us roles as prophet, priest and king.  "Confess His name" (prophet), "living sacrifice" (priest), "reign" (king).

Yet we sin in all three ways – not speaking when we should.  Not sacrificing ourselves as we should.  Not taking dominion of our time and skills as we should.
