
What is a Woman? The Story of Two Films

 The Gospel Coalition recently reviewed two new films in my orbit.

"What is a Woman?" by Matt Walsh (Daily Wire)

"Eve in Exile" by Rebekah Merkle (Canon Press)

While the reviews were overwhelmingly positive, for which I was grateful, the criticisms were revealing, of the differences between TGC and the authors.

They take Walsh to task for calling leftists "idiots."  More empathy is needed for confused trans people, and their advocates.  I generally agree with this, but also know that being pitied for being confused and benighted is as condescending as being called an idiot.  Walsh's compatriot at the Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, routinely insults and berates people, and it is wearing off on Walsh.  It's effective rhetoric, appealing to frustration and anger on the right, but does little constructive, other than keep you coming back for more - a disturbing trend.

They critique Merkle for only having home-based images of mothers.  This exposes a fault line in conservative circles.  Some like Merkle lean hard against women working outside the home, though their presentation of it I believe is deliberately sophisticated and positive, not hard-edged or cranky.  TGC leans toward having women work outside the home, to validate their gifts, or at least remaining neutral on the subject.

One troubling aspect of this, is that both films are distributed only through the Daily Wire, and Canon Press, respectively.  Everyone is noticing that main outlets are ignoring them.  This not-so-soft cancellation is effective in furthering the balkanizing of our culture.  

People already bought in to Daily Wire and Canon will watch with glee.  

A tiny number of people outside their orbits will somehow see and watch it.  

The vast majority of people will never hear about it.

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