
Piano Life Lesson

Piano lessons carry many life lessons.  Here's one.

Many times, when a student gets frustrated with how hard the music is to play, they will change it, or blame the composer as defective.  My son just said Vince Guaraldi must've had a stroke writing those 2 measures he couldn't quite get down!

A variation of this: if the music doesn't sound quite right to us, we'll change it to how we like it, instead of trusting the composer's work.

We are like this in our lives.  When something is hard to do, we blame God for designing us like this.  We justify re-writing the moral standard, the music for our lives.

Realize instead that the Coach makes you do hard things so that you are
 - more ready for the game
 - more equipped for life, later
 - more Christ-like in your character.

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