
We Are All Greta, Now

[A 2 second video of Greta at the U.N. - I can't get it to play automatically...]

When Greta Thunberg scolded the world over climate change, the adults in the room hung their heads, meekly nodded, and promised to do better.

The rest of the world’s rising generations have taken note.  They have learned from Greta.
What have they learned?

To advance your agenda, you need not persuade rationally, anymore.  Just berate and condemn until the establishment feels guilty.  That will do the job just as well, and it’s a lot easier.


How dare you not wear a mask?
How dare you question systemic racism?
How dare you use force against rioters, or those resisting arrest?
How dare you wonder if LGBTQ folks should have Title 7/9 rights?

Each of these is worthy of discussion.  But we aren’t getting much discussion.  We are being manipulated by an aggressive one-two rhetorical punch, to doubt our views, to stay silent when we have questions, and to go along to keep our jobs and our reputations.  We are being threatened with being “outed” for having unacceptable views, for which most will ostracize us.

What's the one-two punch?
Punch one: be angry and emotional about something.
Punch two: amp it up when others question your assertion by claiming others are telling you how to feel, that you don't have a safe space for your voice, that you're being denied your experience.

This is deadly to free speech.  We must give others the right to voice views we find reprehensible, or we are no longer a free society.  This is what sets us apart from Communism, but we are becoming more like them every week.

It’s quite ironic.  The very Left that for decades has criticized conservatives and Christians for being intolerant, has become extremely intolerant itself.  Maybe it always was but the mask is off, now, pun intended.  They are literally protesting as harmful (and walking out on) opposing opinions even being voiced or published.

We are using condemnation as a weapon to make others feel guilty, which IS the new persuasion.

How is a Christian to respond?  I'll save that for my next post.

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