
Pastor on Vacation

What’s a pastor on vacation to do?


Usually we go somewhere else to worship.  What’s the point of going to the office Monday morning, just to pal around with your office buddies, but do no work? 


But it’s complicated.  All Christians should go to church, even pastors who are on vacation.  And my children have good friends there.  Will other churches require masks?  Will they sing at all?


A couple weeks ago, we wound up going to the church I pastor, the Sunday I was on vacation from pastoring. 

I think this was the first time I have EVER done it!  Why would I do this?


At first, I did it because of some of the factors above.  But on reflection, the main reason is this:

It reminds me, and shows our church members, that the pastor is a normal Christian in need of the same means of grace as they are.


As I sat there taking in a great sermon (thanks Christopher!), I was reminded again that the chef needs to eat, too.  All the private devotions in the world don’t make up for receiving a message from the pulpit from a trained minister of God’s Word.


Pastors, make sure to feed yourselves with sermons, not just for theological information, or to learn how to preach better yourself, but to feed your own soul.  Act like a normal Christian on vacation, for the sake of your own humility.  We take in a LOT of sermons, podcasts, articles and books in a given week.  Don’t professionally critique a sermon, for once!


To sit under the preaching of God’s Word in person on a Sunday morning is a unique blessing.  One that I more deeply appreciate every time I get to do it (about 4 times a year!).


And I want those I pastor to know that I need to be fed, too.  I’m not some super-Christian.  Although I represent Christ to the church when I lead worship, I need to have been fed earlier that week, to lead them well.

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