
Theistic Evolution's Problem // Overturning Roe // SameSex Marriage Isn't Marriage

Doug Wilson exposes the problem with asserting that God directed the evolution that scientists claim is fact.  Skip to the last section for the best part.

Should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade?  Public Discourse says yes, with the legal grounds for why.  Great article.

The Gospel Coalition answers what to do when asked to attend a same-sex "marriage."
"At a same-sex wedding, no marriage is actually being created. We are giving our “blessing” to a claim that we know is not true."


Honoring Evil Fathers // Welcoming church visitors // Right Patriotism

Not sure what I think of this.

How do we honor unbelieving or wicked fathers?  This seems like the right posture, assuming overtures are made to him to change.  Such overtures are never mentioned, though, which is weird.  The article reinforces the idea that certain sins like abuse are unforgiveable, and that idea is terribly wrong.  Keep up the boundaries where there is no sign of change, of course.  But hold out the hope of Gospel repentance to such fathers, too.

Doug Wilson preaches a good sermon on what to say to newcomers and oldtimers at a church with an influx of new people.

Kevin DeYoung tees up some July 4th themes, reviewing a recent favorite of mine - Land of Hope - at 23.45 timestamp here at his Life, Books, and Everything podcast.


Jesus Sends and Helps His Church in Her Mission - Acts 1-4 - Bible Notes

Jesus Sends Us  - Acts 1

1. Text summary
 - At the end of the Gospel of Luke, Jesus had risen, and appeared to His disciples.
 - They expect the kingdom to be brought to fulfillment, but Jesus says, "Not yet."
 - They need to be His witnesses in the whole world, first, starting at home.
 - He ascends to heaven.
 - The apostles replace Judas with another, to keep the important number 12.

2. Jesus
Jesus wants us witnessing to His Lordship and Redeeming work in the world.
Jesus' kingdom awaits consummation.
Jesus' ascension proves His Lordship, and His approval by God the Father.

3. Application
 - The church should order herself wisely, according to the pattern of all of Scripture, not just the New Testament.  (12 tribes, 12 apostles - a new Israel is formed.)

 - Live out the great commission, instead of waiting for God to bring in the kingdom for us.  He is asking us to help Him to do it!

Jesus Equips Us  - Acts 2

1. Text summary
 - The Holy Spirit falls on the apostles (or on all believers?) on Pentecost, an Old Testament feast they kept together.  (In the temple or elsewhere?)

 - Many Jews were gathered from various nations, but all heard them speak in their own language!

 - Some thought they were drunk, but Peter preaches:
    - Refutes the objection and mockery
    - Points to Scripture for what has happened - that Jesus fulfills it
    - Calls them to repent and believe Him, extending God's promise to them
    - Convicts their generation of perversity

 - Many believe, are baptized, and the church grows, sharing life, basic needs, apostolic teaching, and sacraments, together.

2. Jesus
Jesus sent the Spirit, and made happen what happened at Pentecost.
Jesus is the center of apostolic preaching: fulfilling Scripture and believing in Him.

3. Application
 - Don't be intimidated by mockery.  Answer it.
 - Sometimes we need to leave the "cultural translation" to God, and not try to do it ourselves (tongues translation done by God, not the apostles).

 - Faith in Christ results in life together with other believers, not a "lone ranger" Christian.

Jesus Credentials Us  - Acts 3

1. Text summary
 - Peter and John heal a lame beggar at the temple gate.
 - Peter takes the opportunity when a crowd gathers to preach Jesus.
 - Peter offers a chance for them to repent, and listen to Jesus and His Father.

2. Jesus
Jesus gives the Jews proof of His apostles' authority.

3. Application
 - The church has proof from God that she has the truth from Him, in
    - the Word of God given her to steward
    - miracles done by her in the past (and present?)
    - their eyewitness account of Jesus' resurrection, passed on from the apostles.

We Defy Authorities against Jesus  - Acts 4

1. Text summary
 - Temple rulers arrest the apostles and demand an account.
 - Peter preaches Jesus to them, as to all the people.
 - They can't refute the miracle done, but forbid them from preaching Jesus.
 - Peter and John say they can't stop doing what God commanded.
 - They let them go.
 - The apostles regather & see Psalm 2 fulfilled in this event; pray for vindication
 - Land sold and proceeds used to help those in need.

2. Jesus
Jesus' commands trump earthly authorities' commands against Him.
Jesus' promises and needs for His people trump ritual claims (land or temple).
Jesus fulfills Psalm 2 - He is the one the rulers plot against!

3. Application
 - We need to be willing to disobey earthly rulers if they keep us from obeying God
 - We should give up traditional (OT) claims (Sanhedrin - church authority, or physical land/Canaan promises), if they conflict with Jesus' claims.
 - We want to claim God's promises when we are threatened by earthly authorities


Reform and Removal - 2 Chronicles 34-36 - Bible Notes

Josiah and Judah Find the Word of God - 2 Chronicles 34

1. Text summary
Wicked Manasseh's son Josiah is faithful, and reigns starting at 8 years old!
He takes down all the Baal worship sites, and repairs God's temple.  They find a Bible, which seems to be an unknown thing to them!  Josiah repents and recommits Judah to serving God.

2. Jesus
Jesus can bring beauty out of ashes, spiritual life out of death.

3. Application
Give God's Word the weight it deserves in your life.  There are things we do routinely that offend and anger Him, and He tells us so.  He also shows us how to resolve that.

Josiah's Passover - 2 Chronicles 35

1. Text summary
Josiah keeps the best Passover since Samuel, because the priests and Levites were ready and worked hard this time.

Josiah dies in a needless battle.

2. Jesus
Jesus as our priest prepared a faithful and effective sacrifice for us, too.

3. Application
Honor pastors and church leaders who work to serve you the Word.
Do your own work well, to meet the needs of those around you.

Judah's Fall - 2 Chronicles 36

1. Text summary
Judah falls.
First Egypt conquers and deports King Jehoahaz.
Then Babylon conquers and deports the next puppet king Jehoiakim.
They come back for Zedekiah and tear down the temple and city.
(It seems from 35:3; 36:7, 18 that the ark went to Babylon, not Egypt.)

After 70 years, Cyrus sets prisoners free to go back to Judah and rebuild the temple.

2. Jesus
Jesus will let some of His lampstands go out, due to persistent unfaithfulness (Revelation 1-3).
Jesus restores His people, bringing them back to God.

3. Application
When we are unfaithful to God, it results in the long run in being the slaves of unbelievers, in one way or another.
Yet, death and judgment is not the last word.  Look for God's grace bringing life after death, seedling growth after winter, obedience after a period of rebellion.


Hezekiah's Reign - 2 Chronicles 28-33 - Bible Notes

Ahaz' treachery - 2 Chronicles 28

1. Text summary
Ahaz reigns in Judah, and follows Baal instead of Yahweh.  He "burned his sons" in ritual fire to Baal.  So God gives him to defeat by Israel and Syria.  But a prophet rebukes Israel in Samaria for taking Judah captive, and has him send them back, restored.  This sounds a lot like the Good Samaritan parable...

Ahaz sends to Assyria for help, but they just plunder Judah more.

2. Jesus
Jesus is the son sacrificed to good purpose, not just for destruction.
Jesus restores captives He takes, too.

3. Application
Don't make destructive sacrifices to get ahead, because you can't put faith in Christ's atonement at the cross.

Hezekiah's Reforms - 2 Chronicles 29

1. Text summary
Ahaz' son Hezekiah reigns in Judah for 29 years.  He restores the temple, and encourages the priests.  He commands they sacrifice and praise God.

2. Jesus
Jesus also restores God's house and brings about faithful worship from His people to God.

3. Application
Prioritize worship.  Nothing is more important than worshiping God reverently, in purity.

Hezekiah's Passover - 2 Chronicles 30

1. Text summary
Hezekiah invites Israel's priests to move to Judah.  Most mock, but some come.  They keep Passover, but most priests aren't ready for it, to their shame.  Hezekiah admits the lack of ritual purity to God, and He forgives it.  Passover is joyous!

2. Jesus
Jesus wasn't technically the ritually right sacrificial lamb, either, but God accepts His sacrifice.

3. Application
None of this means we should be casual about how we do things in worship, but God is kind when we are figuring it out and don't know exactly what to do, yet.

Hezekiah's Reforms - 2 Chronicles 31

1. Text summary
After Passover, Hezekiah takes down more idols, gets the priests in order, and calls for an offering, which is very successful.

2. Jesus
Hezekiah is a type of Jesus, ordering and providing for His/God's house.

3. Application
We should hate idolatry and love God's house and people.
In times of true revival, the church gets the attention and care it needs.
Be careful to tithe to the church where you are a member.

Assyrian Threat - Hezekiah's Pride - 2 Chronicles 32

1. Text summary
Assyria invades and threatens Jerusalem, mocking Yahweh as weak like all the other gods they had defeated.  Hezekiah prepares well for it.  God's angel cuts down many officers in the Assyrian camp, and they retreat.

Hezekiah was rich, but later he gets sick and proud.  He foolishly lets Babylon see all his treasure.

2. Jesus
Jesus had legions of angels to defeat his foes at the cross, but did not use them then.

3. Application
Prepare prudently for trouble ahead, but trust God to save you, not your wisdom.
It should anger us to hear the true God blashpemed so casually today.
Don't let riches make you self-satisfied and proud.

Manasseh's Wickedness and Repentance - 2 Chronicles 33

1. Text summary
Faithful Hezekiah's son Manasseh is wicked, and reigns for 55 years!
He rebuilds all the Baal worship sites, including in God's temple.  He burns his sons to idols and uses sorcery.  God judges him with Assyrian conquest and he is imprisoned in Assyria.  Manasseh then truly repents, so God has him freed.  He returns and takes down all the idolatry and commands Israel to worship God!

Amon his son reigns for only 2 years.  He is assassinated, then the assassins are executed by the people.

2. Jesus
Jesus can and does rebuke kings for disloyalty to Him.
Jesus has powerful leaders in His church who "go bad," and work against Him.

3. Application
No sin is so great it is beyond hope of being restored to God's favor.  Even killing your own children.  Even encouraging others to worship idols.

God will bless repentance and faithfulness.  Perhaps not always how you expect, but there will be a blessing in it.


Jehoshaphat to Jotham - 2 Chronicles 19-27 - Bible Notes

Jehoshaphat, after His Compromise - 2 Chronicles 19

1. Text summary
A prophet rebukes Jehoshaphat on his return from the battle with Ahab, but encourages him for removing idols.
Jeho appoints judges from the priests and Levites and leaders, for Israel.

2. Jesus
Jesus as prophet rebukes kings.
He sets up leaders for His church.

3. Application
When a leader fails, he also needs encouragement where he has done well.  Compromise in one instance does NOT mean he cannot recover and do better afterward.
Leaders need to delegate authority wherever it is needed, or malevolent forces will fill the vacuum.

Praise as Warfare - 2 Chronicles 20

1. Text summary
Several nations muster against Israel.  Jehoshaphat assembles Israel and prays to God for help.  A prophet promises victory.  Jeho sends the choir out ahead of the army.  Israel's enemies turn on each other at God's instigation and Israel just picks up the spoil.  Later Jeho allies with Israel wrongly, again.

2. Jesus
Jesus leads His church to worship God, trust Him before enemies, and to sing.

3. Application
This is what trust in God looks like - hearing His Word, and sending a choir ahead of an army.
This is what lack of trust in God looks like - allying with His enemies in the naive hope that you are on the same side, because of history or ethnicity.

Jehoram's Wickedness - 2 Chronicles 21

1. Text summary
Jehoshaphat's son Jehoram takes the throne and kills all his brothers to secure the throne.  He copies Ahab, having Ahab's daughter as his wife, and forsakes God.  Elijah writes to rebuke him and prophesy tragedy in his family, and a painful, slow death for him.  Enemies assail Israel militarily.

2. Jesus
Jesus rebukes kings.  His Word confronts their sin, and they must give Him their loyalty.

3. Application
This is what paganism looks like
 - pursuing your self-interest to the point of killing others near to you.  Cain did this.
 - following your wife's counsel, even if it's obviously against God  (setting up worship sites to idols for Judah!)  Adam did this.  Job was tempted to.
Don't go this road.

Athaliah's Wickedness - 2 Chronicles 22

1. Text summary
Ahaziah reigns after his father Jehoram, for one year.  But Ahab's daughter, Athaliah remains the power behind the throne.  Ahaziah goes to fight with Ahab's Israel against Syria.  He dies visiting the wounded Israelite king, when Jehu kills them both.  Athaliah proceeds to kill all Athaliah's relatives, but Joash escapes with priest Jehoiada's wife's help.  They hide him for 6 years, while Athaliah reigns.  

2. Jesus
Jesus will cut down kings in judgment when their time comes, like Jehu did.
Jesus was saved from death as an infant, like Joash was.

3. Application
a. Beware the power hungry tyrant who will do anything, kill anyone, to keep their power.  This is Athaliah.
b. Sympathy for God's enemies will end badly for you - Ahaziah went to visit the wicked king of Israel, and found himself in the buzzsaw of Jehu.
c. There is a time for the righteous to evade, work against, or resist the ruler's decree, to preserve life or avoid serious harm.  Jehoiada deceived the queen of Judah for 7 years and then overthrew her.

Jehoiada's Revolt for God - 2 Chronicles 23

1. Text summary
Jehoiada plots with the priests and Levites of God to overthrow Athaliah.
He shows them 7-year-old Joash.  The plan:
 - Keep the people out of the temple a while.
 - Arm the Levites.  Crown Joash king in the temple.
 - Cut down Athaliah when she comes to stop it.
It works!
They destroy Baal's temple and priests and go install Joash on the throne.

2. Jesus
Jesus' usurping contesters will be put down one day, by those loyal to him.
Jesus keeps working to stamp out idolatry among His people.

3. Application
a. Shrewd prudence is needed in dealing with the wicked in power.  Have a plan.  b. God will always protect His anointed King, and people, one way or another.
c. Don't ally with the side in power, just because they are in power.

Joash Repairs the Temple, but Kills the Son - 2 Chronicles 24

1. Text summary
Joash seeks to repair the temple, but the priests are lax in doing it, though given the funds.  Jehoiada dies, and Joash and the leaders forsake God.  Jehoiada's son Zechariah prophesies, rebuking them, and they stone him in the temple.  Joash is assassinted, for having Zechariah stoned.

2. Jesus
Jesus mentions the stoning of Zechariah when the temple leaders seek to kill Him.
The incident foreshadows His own death at the hands of Israel's leaders, when they reject the prophet's rebuke of their forsaking Jahweh.

3. Application
a. Powers behind the throne like Jehoiada often grow lax.  They need accountability, but don't have any, leading to trouble.
b. The powers that be usually find a way to get rid of nuisance voices that point out their wrongdoing.
c. Violence breeds violence.  When you take out those who disagree with you unjustly, it'll come back to bite you.

Amaziah's Apostasy - 2 Chronicles 25

1. Text summary
Joash's son Amaziah comes to power.  He executes his father's assassins, but not their children, wisely.  He musters Judah and Israel to fight their enemies, but a prophet warns him against allying with Israel, so he sends them away.  They are offended and raid Judah, while Judah fights successfully against Edom.  But Amaziah adopts Edom's gods.  A prophet rebukes him, and Amaziah stops his rebuke with threat of violence.  God judges him by having him desire war with Israel, which he loses.  Then by a conspiracy against him which costs him his life.

2. Jesus
Jesus cuts off Israel's rulers who reject Him, but many of their seed come to Him in conversion (Acts 6:7).
Jesus doesn't entrust Himself to people who are for themselves instead of for Him (John 2:24-25).
Jesus rebukes Israel's leaders, and they rebut Him with threats of violence (John 19:10).

3. Application
a. Justice must have its limit, or it becomes ungodly vengeance.
b. Don't ally with God's enemies or it'll get you in trouble.
c. Confronting sin will often get you in trouble, too.
d. God often brings us consequences for our sin, by giving us over to our desires for bad things (Romans 1).

Uzziah's Long Reign - 2 Chronicles 26

1. Text summary
Amaziah's son Uzziah comes to power.  For 52 years!  He builds Judah's defenses well, but takes on the priests' authority wrongly to burn incense in the temple.  God strikes him with leprosy, and his son Jotham reigns for him.

2. Jesus
Jesus is a long-reigning King of His people, who defends them well.

3. Application
a. Kings should cultivate their fields and walls.
b. Authorities should stick to their realms of influence, and not cross them.

Jotham and His Mother - 2 Chronicles 27

1. Text summary
Uzziah's son Jotham comes to power, for 16 years.  He does well, defeats the Ammonites, and "orders his ways before the LORD his God."

2. Jesus
Jesus defeats God's enemies at the cross, and arranges His earthly life according to God's commandments, too.

3. Application
Jotham's mother is mentioned in vs. 1.  Never underestimate the power of a godly mother.


The Faith and Failing of Judean Kings - 2 Chronicles 13-18 - Bible Notes

Abijah Against Apostasy - 2 Chronicles 13

1. Text summary
Abijah, king of Judah, confronts Israel with their sin, forsaking God and making anyone a priest of idols who can afford the bribe.  Jeroboam, king of Israel, ambushes Judah while he speaks, but it fails.

2. Jesus
Jesus, like Abijah, confronts the leaders of God's people for turning from Him.

3. Application
It's important to point out when error is tolerated or pushed in the church, even if it's awkward.  If it's major enough, even if it leads to war.

Asa and Ethiopia - 2 Chronicles 14

1. Text summary
Abijah dies and his son Asa becomes king of Judah.  He is faithful to God, and seeks Him when Ethiopia invades.  God gives Him victory.

2. Jesus
God gives Jesus a different kind of victory at the cross when His people are invaded by the pagan multitude of Rome.

3. Application
See the invasion when it happens, fight it, and cry out to God for help against it.

Asa Fights Idolatry - 2 Chronicles 15

1. Text summary
Asa stamps out idolatry as much as he can, encouraged by a prophet of Yahweh.  He destroys an idol set up by his mother, but cannot remove high places the people love.

2. Jesus
Jesus fights idolatry, too, in resisting Satan's temptations.  He points out the selfishness of Israel's leaders.  But they continue in their sin until they are destroyed.

3. Application
We should do all we can to stop sin around us, realizing there are limits to what we can do.

Asa looks for help elsewhere - 2 Chronicles 16

1. Text summary
Asa stops relying on God later in life, trusting in other nations and doctors for his problems, without looking to God for help.

2. Jesus
King Jesus looked to God for help, to the very end of His life:
"Into Your hand I commit My Spirit..."

3. Application
It is very possible to get cynical (it's always called realism), and stop relying on God halfway through life.

Jehoshaphat Reigns Well - 2 Chronicles 17

1. Text summary
Asa's son Jehoshaphat furthers the reforms of his father, removing more idols.  He also sends teachers of the law throughout the kingdom
Surrounding nations send much tribute and the land is secure and at peace.

2. Jesus
Jesus Himself went around Israel teaching the law of God.
He is the prince of peace, bringing it not with the sword but at the cross.

3. Application
Good rulers need to not only punish the bad, but foster the good.  Sending Levites "through all the cities" was a good move.

Jehoshaphat's Mistake - 2 Chronicles 18

1. Text summary
Jeho allies with Ahab against Syria.  He insists on hearing from a prophet of God before going to battle, but still goes, when the prophet declares Israel's coming defeat.  He does what Ahab says, dressing as the king of Israel, making himself a target, while Ahab hides.  But God foils Ahab's plan, and he dies in battle.

2. Jesus
Jesus does not compromise with selfish rulers, against His people.

3. Application
Be careful when the powerful seek your favor.  Do not give it when it is against God's will, regardless the seeming benefit to you.


Solomon and Rehoboam - 2 Chronicles 7-12 - Bible Notes

"If My People..." - 2 Chronicles 7

1. Text summary
Fire falls from heaven on the sacrifices, as God confirms the dedication of the temple.  He answers Solomon later that night, after the people go home, that He will hear their prayer when they repent.  But disobedience will bring exile from the land.

2. Jesus
Jesus offers one perfect sacrifice, better than Solomon's thousands, and it ends the need for any more.  He is the reason God answers our prayers of confession.

3. Application
In the past year or so I've been struck by the line right before the famous 2 Chronicles 7:14: "When I... send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name humble themselves..."

As a nation, we have not humbled ourselves or repented to God AT ALL, in response to pestilence.  Instead, we have fled to gods of science and "working together," filled far more with fear of death than faith in the true God.

Solomon's Deeds - 2 Chronicles 8

1. Text summary
Solomon rebuilds cities on the edges of Israel,
brings Pharaoh's daughter as wife, but keeps her from the temple,
establishes regular temple worship,
and sends out ships for gold from Ophir.

2. Jesus
Jesus expands His kingdom, too.
He takes no pagan wife.
He establishes true worship in His own name.
The wealth of nations will come to Him.

3. Application
With Pharaoh's daughter, Solomon began a double life, between serving God, and wrongfully partaking of the pleasures of this world.
Yet Christ's kingdom includes tangible things: cities, gold, etc.

The Queen of Sheba Visits - 2 Chronicles 9

1. Text summary
Solomon hosts Sheba's queen, who comes to learn his wisdom.  He acquires rare spices and wood, much precious metal and horses, and an ivory throne.  Many other kings visit him seeking his wisdom.  He dies after reigning for 40 years.

2. Jesus
Jesus owns the cattle on 1,000 hills, and all the rare and precious materials, too.
Kings come to Jesus for wisdom.

3. Application
The wealthy and powerful still seek wisdom where they think they will find it, admitting they do not have it themselves.

Even the richest and most powerful on earth will die and pass away.

Rehoboam's Mistake - 2 Chronicles 10

1. Text summary
God uses the pride of Solomon's young successor to divide the kingdom.

2. Jesus
Jesus' successors in earthly office too often lord it over His people, and cause them to rebel.

3. Application
Rulers should take care not to overly burden people for their own enrichment.
Division is caused by bad leadership, more than by fractious people.
The greatest earthly, civilizational achievements can be undone in one generation.

Rehoboam Wises Up - 2 Chronicles 11

1. Text summary
Rehoboam wants to forcibly reunite Israel to Judah, but God prevents Him.
Israel's priests and Levites move to Judah - Jeroboam kicks them out and replaces them with priests to idols.
Rehoboam plays defense, securing Judah's cities and his own line of succession.

2. Jesus
Jesus' kingdom is divided between wheat and tares.  Many professors of His are actually serving idols.

3. Application
The faithful often need to be on defense against attacks from apostates in their midst.

Rehoboam Loses It - 2 Chronicles 12

1. Text summary
Rehoboam forsakes God, and Egypt invades.  They take away all the temple treasures (ark included, I assume).  But they leave Judah and Rehoboam intact.
Rehoboam reigns 17 years and dies.

2. Jesus
Jesus' kingdom often suffers setbacks like this.  Encroachments by the enemy, when we seem vulnerable to their predations.

3. Application
Forsaking God brings real-world consequences.


Solomon's Temple - 2 Chronicles 1-6 - Bible Notes

Solomon's Wisdom and Wealth - 2 Chronicles 1

1. Text summary
Solomon worships God and asks for wisdom.  God gives him wisdom, and wealth.
Solomon gets rich by reselling military equipment to surrounding nations!

2. Jesus
Jesus shows faithfulness to God at the beginning of His ministry, too (Luke 4:1-15).
Jesus is the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:30).

3. Application
Give the effort to learn what to ask God for in prayer.  What is it you lack in life, to serve God better?  Not knowing what question to ask keeps us stuck where we are.

Solomon's Building Projects - 2 Chronicles 2

1. Text summary
Solomon strikes a deal with Tyre to get building material and a designer for the temple.  He organizes a large labor force.

2. Jesus
Jesus Himself was a builder.  He is building the church, God's household, and uses Gentiles to do it, too.

3. Application
Apostles, pastors, and church members are all working in God's house, with varying quality of work - 1 Corinthians 3:10-17.

Solomon's Temple - 2 Chronicles 3

1. Text summary
Solomon builds the temple.  Lots of gold over fancy wood.  Cherubim on the walls and veil and ark.

2. Jesus
Jesus is greater than the angels, but man before Him was subject to the cherubim's sword keeping them out of the Garden.
Jesus is the greater temple, allowing us back in to the garden of Eden.

3. Application
The temple represents the Garden of Eden - pillars (trees), fruit, gates, and angels.  Going to church should be like going back to Eden, where we are back in fellowship with God and each other.

Solomon's Temple - 2 Chronicles 4

1. Text summary
Solomon has the metal cast for furnishings: altar, table, lampstands, and other utensils and hardware.

2. Jesus
Jesus has the expertise to forge precious things into perfect shape for beauty and for service to glorify God.

3. Application
We should give due honor to precious saints in God's house, whose souls are gold and bronze.  But their purpose is to glorify God, not themselves.

God's Presence in Solomon's Temple - 2 Chronicles 5

1. Text summary
Solomon has the ark brought into the temple, with much praise from the Levites' music department.  God's glory cloud fills the temple, as it did the tabernacle in Exodus 40.

2. Jesus
Jesus is the presence of God.  When His people assemble in His name there is always praise in song, and the Spirit (glory cloud) present.

3. Application
Never take worship casually.  Something astounding is going on.  The Creator of all things is looking with favor on His people, through Christ, as they praise Him.

Solomon's Temple - 2 Chronicles 6

1. Text summary
Solomon reviews what he has done to the people.
Solomon prays to God publicly, thanking Him for keeping His promises to David, and asking Him to hear prayer from this temple.

2. Jesus
Jesus is the only one through Whom God hears prayers.  He is THE temple, in this sense.

3. Application
Reflect on how God is working in your life - how He is keeping His promises to you.
Pray to God for specific things you need, in the name of Jesus.

A Dating Proposal // Time to Stop Livestreaming Church? // Bodily Autonomy

Here's a creative and provocative proposal for dating in high school.
Maybe it applies to college, too?

Gospel Coalition has published this compelling argument to stop live streaming worship services.
They address objections like reaching out evangelistically, and connecting with the homebound.

John Stonestreet describes the way autonomy of body is distorting medical ethics today, and reminds us of the Christian foundation and limits of bodily autonomy.


David Finishes Well - 1 Chronicles 24-29 - Bible Notes

Priests - 1 Chronicles 24

1. Text summary
David organizes the priests for temple service.

2. Jesus
Jesus was appointed by God to serve as our great High Priest.

3. Application
a. God's people need to take turns serving each other.

Musicians - 1 Chronicles 25

1. Text summary
David organizes the musicians for temple service.

2. Jesus
Jesus orders His house/church to worship God in song.

3. Application
a. There was nothing about music in the tabernacle.  David introduces it on his own.  God's people develop greater glory over time, in history.  Something new in worship isn't automatically bad or suspect.

Gatekeepers - 1 Chronicles 26

1. Text summary
David organizes the gatekeepers for temple service.

2. Jesus
Jesus orders His house/church to protect His people in purity and from attack.

3. Application
a. Levite gatekeepers made sure no one entered who shouldn't, both for purity reasons, and because much treasure was kept there.  Church officers need to protect Christ's treasured people today in several ways:
 - speaking gospel truth, without error
 - fencing the Lord's Table faithfully
 - setting good procedures that practically facilitate safe worship

Soldiers - 1 Chronicles 27

1. Text summary
David organizes the soldiers for military service, and stewards over His property.

2. Jesus
Jesus orders His world so that the state protects its citizens and the church.  Deacons oversee the finances of His church.

3. Application
a. God's kingdom doesn't forbid military force used for national defense.  Christians can serve in the military with a clean conscience.  
b. The church should oversee finances faithfully.

David's Plan: King Solomon and a Temple - 1 Chronicles 28

1. Text summary
David gathers all Israel, declares Solomon his successor, and charges Him to build the temple and to know the Lord.

2. Jesus
Jesus was given the task of building God's house, too.

3. Application
Clear leadership and mission is a gift to any people.

David's Plan: King Solomon and a Temple - 1 Chronicles 29

1. Text summary
David asks for offerings to build the temple.  He praises God over their offering and calls on the people to praise God.  Solomon takes the throne and David dies.

2. Jesus
Jesus calls His people to praise God.  God installs His Son as king in Zion (Psalm 2).

3. Application
We should give regular offerings of praise and gifts to God, thanking Him for His saving provision.


David's Deeds, Outside and Inside His Nation - 1 Chronicles 18-23 - Bible Notes

David's Conquests - 1 Chronicles 18

1. Text summary
a. David defeats Edom and Syria.
b. His chief administrators listed.

2. Jesus
a. Jesus will subdue all nations and people opposed to Him, in the end.
b. He has officers enlisted, serving Him.

3. Application
a. We are not called to physically subdue Christ's enemies now, but we do want to see them "cow tow" to His line.
b. We each have various skills to put to use in Christ's service.

Ammonites and Syrians - 1 Chronicles 19

1. Text summary
David tries to be nice to the Ammonites, but they spurn his ambassadors.

2. Jesus
Jesus' final battle will be as decisive against His enemies.

3. Application
a. Trying to be nice to pagans opposed to you, often backfires.
b. Christ will vindicate you, in the end, even if you muck it up in the short term.
c. We need to have each others' backs, as Christians, in our spiritual battle.  Not neglect or turn on each other.

David's Victory over Goliaths - 1 Chronicles 20

1. Text summary
David defeats Ammonites and Goliath's kin.

2. Jesus
Jesus receives glory and crowns from those who fight for Him.
As Jesus defeated the greatest giant - Satan - so we fight and defeat lesser giants.

3. Application
a. Scripture speaks of strongholds and giants in our lives - besetting sins or history we need to work against and defeat to follow the Lord.
b. If we remember David sinned with Bathsheba when he stayed home from this war, another lesson emerges:  don't make others fight your battles.

David's Sin, Penance, and Future Temple - 1 Chronicles 21

1. Text summary
David wants to count the military size of his country.  Joab protests.  God strikes Israel for doing it, and gives David a choice of punishment.  70,000 die of plague.  It stops (the angel) visibly on the future site of the temple.  David buys it with his own money (penance?), intercedes for Israel, and sacrifices there.

2. Jesus
Jesus interceded for His people at great cost to Himself, too.
He was the temple, where God meets with, and atones for, His peoples' sins.

3. Application
a. Don't review your bank account with pride.
b. Be thankful God doesn't make you choose your consequence for your sins.

David's Temple Preparations - 1 Chronicles 22

1. Text summary
David prepares to build the temple, and charges Solomon to do it, with God's guidance.

2. Jesus
Jesus gives His apostles the responsibility of building His church.

3. Application
a. We should build diligently on the work of our forefathers, out of respect for them.

David Organizes the Levites - 1 Chronicles 23

1. Text summary
David organizes the Levites to serve in the temple.

2. Jesus
Jesus orders His church to serve faithfully.

3. Application
a. We should each know our skills and service opportunities among God's people.