
Suppressing Information // Shapiro's good arguments

 On the suppression of COVID information online.  Good, short article.

Ben Shapiro is really good lately.
If you filter out his occasionally angry tone, and the insults of leftists, he makes helpful points.

Here is the summary from recent shows:

1. The covid situation no longer requires extraordinary gov't intervention.
The left and the media desperately want this NOT to be true. So they skew the data for you. "CASES ARE UP 100%!!!" Yeah, from 100 to 200. And they don't report the deaths, which are in the TENS or less per day, per state. They crave control, like the Chinese Communist party.

2. The non-vaccinated are not all right wing nuts, believing misinformation.
The left and the media want THIS to be true, because they want to suppress right-leaning media sources. 40% of New York City is unvaccinated, and only 20% of the city voted for Trump. "Your 'free speech' is KILLING people!!!"

3. Politics should not mix empathy with policy.
Empathy is not a substitute for good policy. Good intentions, the road to hell, and all that. This applies to Critical Race Theory, Covid policy, the infrastructure and budget bills, and much more. "Spending $3 trillion shows we care, three times more than spending $1 trillion!" Nope. Don't assume or assert that your political opponents lack empathy when they disagree with your policy. Refusing to give a bum on the street $10 does not mean you have less empathy for him than the one who gives him $10. (In marriage, a husband needs to know if his wife is telling him something to feel heard and affirmed, or if she wants a solution to a problem. Confusing the two leads to division and strife! That's what is happening nationally to us.)

4. Critical Race Theory has partially infiltrated the Southern Baptists.
Shapiro had a fascinating segment Monday Jul 26 (at 31:00 on the podcast) on the SBC missions board, critiquing David Platt for stating that systemic racism exists, etc. Many SBC pastors mimic his talking points.

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