
Critiquing Trueman?

A friend passed on this critique of Carl Trueman's excellent book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - first negative review I have seen.

It seems to me that Jon Harris' forte and audience expectation is negative critique.  The emphasis is to find what's wrong in everything.  He criticizes Trueman:

 - for not making the argument he wanted him to make.  

 - for not addressing BLM (which hadn't come to prominence when Trueman finished writing).  

 - for not addressing post-modernism (which he did, if Harris had eyes to see it).

I would urge listeners of Harris to balance their input with positive content, like actually reading Trueman.  There is a certain type of person who just wants to find fault with every teaching they are exposed to, instead of finding what is helpful for them spiritually.  It's a "ready, fire, aim" approach Harris has, that I'm quite averse to.  If Carl Trueman isn't reliable, then only Jon Harris is, and I'm wary of that approach.

There's a whole "no one is as unwoke as me" vibe that's disturbing, here.

There is MUCH to learn from the Trueman book, which I read, and there is nothing in it that will lead you astray.  Harris uncharitably implies otherwise.

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