
Inclusion Advocates Love to Cancel // Peace or Uprising? // Solutions for a Deranged Culture

This kind of thing needs more exposure, and probably litigation in church or civil courts.

A minority is cancelled while slandered as too "white" for his views.

A Christian professor was removed from a Christian college, for holding to Christian views.

Doug Wilson reminds us that God wants us to pray for civil peace, not an uprising.

So true.

"You can’t vote your way out of something that you sinned your way into."

An issue ago, World magazine featured a Carl Trueman article that captures his latest two books for the normal person.  Check it out, here.

Also, one critique often leveled at him is that he is all critique, with no practical "What do we do now?" solutions.  There's some truth to that, but World got an answer out of him in an interview:

"First, remember that we know how the story ends: Christ and His Church will win. That does not mean my congregation or my denomination, still less my nation, will win. But it does mean that Christ will bring all His own home. 

Second, we need therefore to think long-term. If we think that the success of Christ does depend upon us and should be fulfilled by a week from Wednesday through our efforts, we are setting ourselves up for despair. 

Third, focus on your family and your church. Be a strong community in the present. That is surely a more effective witness than any argument, let alone a silly tweet. Love the people and the place in which the Lord has set you, do the work He has given you to do, and trust Him for the rest."

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