
Revolutionaries // Seriously

Groen van Prinsterer should be better known.  Here is an article summarizing the 19th Century Dutch historian's thoughts on the French Revolution, politics and faith.  For one example, the Revolution showed that a government based on secular unbelief will be not the savior, but the executioner of the people.  He also critiques social contract theory, which repudiated the divine right of kings, and which was foundational in the American political formation.  Van Prinsterer's book "Unbelief and Revolution" has just been reprinted.

John Piper has a serious article on Galatians.  After quoting several verses of Paul's imploring and severe words ("let them be accursed!"), Piper drops this bombshell: "Woe to the pastor or the worship leader who creates an entertainment atmosphere in their church where this kind of seriousness feels out of place."  Churches need to do a lot more thinking of how to foster in our meetings an emotional tone that fits with Scripture instead of so badly going against its grain, in trying to be casual, accessible, hip, or otherwise relevant to the culture around them.

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