
The Main Stream Media's Assault on Conservatism

 It seems the media is in an all-out assault on the Republican party right now.  They smell blood in the water, as it is naturally divided over the Trump "Stop the Steal" debacle.

News about the inauguration is a great example.  It assumes that a wide-scale assault is expected.  Which assumes that half the country wants to undo the election and keep Biden by force from office.  This is nonsense.  A couple hundred crazies do not represent half the country.

My local paper today had headlines about state capitol protests.  The "story" was that a tiny number of protestors came out for Trump claiming the election was illegit, with their guns, extremism, and weird attire.  And some normal, sane people came out in support of Governor Whitmer's lockdown policies.  That's the narrative we are to believe.

This is media malpractice.  It divides the country further.  Using the logical fallacy of bifurcation, the press is telling us that if you aren't for Biden, then you're a fringe insurrectionist.  It's an overt political play to sway people's thinking, done by those charged with reporting to us the facts in the most objective manner they can.  It's a travesty.

Most people are neither for the Proudboys, nor for ongoing lockdowns.  I don't want to give "Stop the Steal" any support at all - Biden's election is legit.  But I also don't support Biden's, Whitmer's, Newsome's, or Cuomo's COVID lockdowns at all.  Where is my viewpoint represented in the press?  It isn't.

Another headline: something like "Democracy has waned in the Trump era, poll shows."  It's just an opinion piece, disguised as news, arguing the bandwagon fallacy: most people think democracy has been hurt by Trump.

Another headline: some Republicans still voted to object to the electoral count, even after the Capitol was savaged!  Gasp!  The media moves the Overton window for the left.  A riot should not remove any reasonable objection to the election.  Objecting was a bit of a stunt to cater to the radical right, which I don't like so much.  But it's fine to say, "Hey there were irregularities here which ought to be looked into."  That doesn't put you on the side of viking man in the Senate chamber.

Does any of this mean Trump was blameless, to speak as he did Jan 6?  No.  He was reckless, given the moment.  But standard political speech is a bit militant ("let's fight"), without actually calling for violence.  The left is taking as much ground with the Jan 6 incident as they can.  Republicans are scattered and on the defensive, because the MEDIA (not Democrats) are attacking them.

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