
Transfiguration and Other Forms of Glory - Mark 9 - Bible Notes

1. Jesus shows His true glory to some of His disciples.

Jesus was no human teacher, but the glorious and majestic GOD.

2. Jesus casts out a demon that the disciples could not.

Jesus had given the disciples power to cast out demons, but they couldn't deal with this one.  Jesus always has more spiritual strength to oppose evil than we do.

3. On the road, Jesus tells the disciples He will be killed and rise again the third day.  They don't get it.  They argue about who is the greatest among them.

Jesus knew what was coming.  He knew the Plan.  He went ahead with it regardless the petty selfishness of the people He was going to die for.

We can be so incredibly selfish and insensitive to the plight of others.  The disciples did this to Jesus.  We can do this to our neighbors, whom God calls us to love.

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