
Conquering Canaan - Joshua 11-14 - Bible Notes

1. Text summary
2. How is Christ in the text?
3. Application

Chapter 11-12
1. Joshua conquers all the major cities of Canaan.  Chapter 12 lists them.  God hardened their hearts so the only option was annihilation.
2. Jesus will crush all opposition to Him, in the end (Psalm 2:9).
3. God does not give us the option today of physically destroying those who reject Christ.  But we are to remove them from the church.

Chapter 13
1. Land still to be conquered described.  Land given to the 2.5 tribes east of the Jordan described.  Levi gets no land inheritance, but lives off of the offerings of the rest of the tribes.
2. Jesus leaves plenty of work for us to do, once He takes the promised land (dies and rises for us) decisively.
3. We need to support church leaders full-time, so they can devote full attention to their work and build up the church.

Chapter 14
1. Caleb asks for land where the Anakim (giants like Goliath) live, determined to drive them out.
2. Jesus is from the tribe of Judah, as Caleb was, and they lead the attack on God's enemies, defeated the worst (Satan, at the cross), then leaving the mop-up work for His church to do.
3. Take on great challenges in your life and world, and God will bless you for it.

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