
The Faith and Failing of Judean Kings - 2 Chronicles 13-18 - Bible Notes

Abijah Against Apostasy - 2 Chronicles 13

1. Text summary
Abijah, king of Judah, confronts Israel with their sin, forsaking God and making anyone a priest of idols who can afford the bribe.  Jeroboam, king of Israel, ambushes Judah while he speaks, but it fails.

2. Jesus
Jesus, like Abijah, confronts the leaders of God's people for turning from Him.

3. Application
It's important to point out when error is tolerated or pushed in the church, even if it's awkward.  If it's major enough, even if it leads to war.

Asa and Ethiopia - 2 Chronicles 14

1. Text summary
Abijah dies and his son Asa becomes king of Judah.  He is faithful to God, and seeks Him when Ethiopia invades.  God gives Him victory.

2. Jesus
God gives Jesus a different kind of victory at the cross when His people are invaded by the pagan multitude of Rome.

3. Application
See the invasion when it happens, fight it, and cry out to God for help against it.

Asa Fights Idolatry - 2 Chronicles 15

1. Text summary
Asa stamps out idolatry as much as he can, encouraged by a prophet of Yahweh.  He destroys an idol set up by his mother, but cannot remove high places the people love.

2. Jesus
Jesus fights idolatry, too, in resisting Satan's temptations.  He points out the selfishness of Israel's leaders.  But they continue in their sin until they are destroyed.

3. Application
We should do all we can to stop sin around us, realizing there are limits to what we can do.

Asa looks for help elsewhere - 2 Chronicles 16

1. Text summary
Asa stops relying on God later in life, trusting in other nations and doctors for his problems, without looking to God for help.

2. Jesus
King Jesus looked to God for help, to the very end of His life:
"Into Your hand I commit My Spirit..."

3. Application
It is very possible to get cynical (it's always called realism), and stop relying on God halfway through life.

Jehoshaphat Reigns Well - 2 Chronicles 17

1. Text summary
Asa's son Jehoshaphat furthers the reforms of his father, removing more idols.  He also sends teachers of the law throughout the kingdom
Surrounding nations send much tribute and the land is secure and at peace.

2. Jesus
Jesus Himself went around Israel teaching the law of God.
He is the prince of peace, bringing it not with the sword but at the cross.

3. Application
Good rulers need to not only punish the bad, but foster the good.  Sending Levites "through all the cities" was a good move.

Jehoshaphat's Mistake - 2 Chronicles 18

1. Text summary
Jeho allies with Ahab against Syria.  He insists on hearing from a prophet of God before going to battle, but still goes, when the prophet declares Israel's coming defeat.  He does what Ahab says, dressing as the king of Israel, making himself a target, while Ahab hides.  But God foils Ahab's plan, and he dies in battle.

2. Jesus
Jesus does not compromise with selfish rulers, against His people.

3. Application
Be careful when the powerful seek your favor.  Do not give it when it is against God's will, regardless the seeming benefit to you.

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