
David Finishes Well - 1 Chronicles 24-29 - Bible Notes

Priests - 1 Chronicles 24

1. Text summary
David organizes the priests for temple service.

2. Jesus
Jesus was appointed by God to serve as our great High Priest.

3. Application
a. God's people need to take turns serving each other.

Musicians - 1 Chronicles 25

1. Text summary
David organizes the musicians for temple service.

2. Jesus
Jesus orders His house/church to worship God in song.

3. Application
a. There was nothing about music in the tabernacle.  David introduces it on his own.  God's people develop greater glory over time, in history.  Something new in worship isn't automatically bad or suspect.

Gatekeepers - 1 Chronicles 26

1. Text summary
David organizes the gatekeepers for temple service.

2. Jesus
Jesus orders His house/church to protect His people in purity and from attack.

3. Application
a. Levite gatekeepers made sure no one entered who shouldn't, both for purity reasons, and because much treasure was kept there.  Church officers need to protect Christ's treasured people today in several ways:
 - speaking gospel truth, without error
 - fencing the Lord's Table faithfully
 - setting good procedures that practically facilitate safe worship

Soldiers - 1 Chronicles 27

1. Text summary
David organizes the soldiers for military service, and stewards over His property.

2. Jesus
Jesus orders His world so that the state protects its citizens and the church.  Deacons oversee the finances of His church.

3. Application
a. God's kingdom doesn't forbid military force used for national defense.  Christians can serve in the military with a clean conscience.  
b. The church should oversee finances faithfully.

David's Plan: King Solomon and a Temple - 1 Chronicles 28

1. Text summary
David gathers all Israel, declares Solomon his successor, and charges Him to build the temple and to know the Lord.

2. Jesus
Jesus was given the task of building God's house, too.

3. Application
Clear leadership and mission is a gift to any people.

David's Plan: King Solomon and a Temple - 1 Chronicles 29

1. Text summary
David asks for offerings to build the temple.  He praises God over their offering and calls on the people to praise God.  Solomon takes the throne and David dies.

2. Jesus
Jesus calls His people to praise God.  God installs His Son as king in Zion (Psalm 2).

3. Application
We should give regular offerings of praise and gifts to God, thanking Him for His saving provision.

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