
How to talk to people who support LGBT

Here is a response I gave to a socially liberal Christian friend, who wonders why we wouldn't love LGBT people, instead of oppose their lifestyle.

Hi _______, thanks for writing. The short answer to your comment is that the church is called to be a witness to the world, how God wants His creation to function. Men sleeping with men, and boys acting as girls are direct violations of His Word. We should love and respect them, of course, as people made in God's image. But that means in part telling them the truth and seeing them as morally confused, at best.

I think you are morally confused yourself, if you're shocked that boys and girls using the same bathroom is a big deal to parents. Protecting children with modesty and privacy from illicit sexual activity used to be a given, until this new wave of the sexual revolution came along. And the way I've heard Kevin DeYoung put it, it is the daughters going to school themselves who deprive themselves of water so they won't have to use the bathroom - it isn't over-protective parents forbidding them to do so.

We should be teaching people to accept the station in life that God gave them, not training them to over-ride God's providence in their biology with their own feelings about who they are. Refusing the "state your pronouns" nonsense is an important signal that Christians should not accept their premise: YOU tell us who you are, instead of us seeing who you are from how God put you together.
We do not and may not define ourselves by our feelings.

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