
The Environment, Politics, and Christians

Gordon Wilson, "Is the Dominion Mandate Green?" Fight Laugh Feast, Spring 2022, pg 31.

"The flood was the biggest act of judgment in all of history but the ark was the biggest biodiversity conservation act in all of history.  Keep this in mind in formulating your opinion on saving endangered species.

"When we immerse ourselves in the great outdoors it not only refreshes our spirit, it declares the glory of God and also puts my life in perspective by revealing how utterly puny I am.

"Our tendency is to exert political muscle power to affect change on a big scale.  But getting into political activism or into office to exert top-down political pressure to change environmental policies isn't very realistic for most of us and not very effective in a democracy....  But if you're called to that, knock yourself out.  For the rank and file, the best approach is grassroots change....  

"Cultivate an appreciation of nature in yourself and your kids... because you love its Creator."

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