
James // Christian Liberty // Faithful Witness

Count troubles as blessings - God is growing you, not tempting you.
Ask God for wisdom - every good thing comes from Him.
Don't just hear God's Word - do it.

Don't be partial to the rich.  That breaks the command to love your neighbor.
Don't trust your faith to save you if it isn't producing good works in your life.

Our tongues can do a lot of damage, and no one is perfect in speech.
Seek wisdom from above that is peaceable, not jealous or ambitious.

Conflict comes from desires gone awry.
Be humble and submissive instead, not judging others.
Don't boast about what you're going to do in the future.

The rich who exploit the poor will be judged.
Be patient, and endure, like Job did.
So pray, like Elijah did, and seek to bring back sinners to the truth.

Westminster commentary, Holy Confessions, 20.1.
The liberty of a Christian is like a prisoner set free.  But it is also like a child seeking to please his father.  We are not free to do what we want, but to do what God made us for.

Costi Hinn (Benny's nephew!) in Tabletalk, on being a faithful witness in the culture to the Gospel, without anger, vengeance, etc.
Reflect the character of God to others, with His Word.
"There is a temptation to fight fire with fire.  But what if we saw times like these as a great opportunity to be a witness?"
"We do not lie or deceive; we do not revile our revilers, threaten back, or seek vengeance when wronged.... How can we maintain our witness in today's culture?  By reflecting the character of Him to whom we bear witness."

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