
Steve's New Year Resolutions

I know, I know, these are out of vogue, but I don't care. I'm idealistic enough to think it might be a tool to improve my sanctification, so I keep it up, and think I am in good company, given this.

Number one is specific to the blog: I plan on doing less quoting and more writing myself. Got some feedback on that, and admit I've been taking the lazy route there lately.

Number two: an hour of treadmill time per week.

Number three: cut back the carbonated beverages. I have an accountability partner for this one - it's serious!

I also intend to read through the Bible this year using this plan - going chronologically using the New King James Version.

Tomorrow we are driving back home from visiting family over the holidays. Then I'll be off a dial-up connection, so communications will be more regular.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your trip throughout the day!
    Here is a great link for all sorts of Bible Reading plans. http://www.mixed-up.com/faith/plan.html?links

    I use the plan for "Slackers and Shirkers". ;)
