
Q&A time

What is your stance on sexual orientation?

We believe God designed the world for heterosexual relationships. In most cases homosexuality is voluntarily chosen out of sinful desires related to experimentation, resentment of male figures in life, etc. We do not rule out that some may be naturally born with inherent homosexual desires, though. (This has not been proven, yet, but hasn't been ruled out, either.) Just as a heterosexual male lusts after more than one woman naturally, so a person may lust after a person of the same sex. There is that desire there, but it must be resisted and denied. Having same-sex attractions naturally does not justify them, nor make one sinful just by having them; it is entertaining those attractions, identifying oneself by them, or acting upon them that is the sin. We welcome the person with same sex desires to follow Christ in denying one's self, according to Scripture. We reject the person who clings to the sin, as we would a person who clings to any other sin. (Homosexuality is not "extra" bad). We realize the depth of denial this calls for in some, and would want to help such a one through it lovingly.

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