
Crummy Judah chosen

I don't think it dawned on me before reading through Tabletalk (a week or two behind schedule!) how crummy of a guy Judah was. Suggesting the sale of a brother to Egypt; marrying a pagan, like Esau; blaming Tamar for not providing sons; making her a promise he doesn't intend to keep; hypocritically condemning her immorality.

Yet Judah's scepter shall rule, not Joseph's. The latter is a poster-boy of righteousness and success, yet he is not to rule Israel.

God's grace and inscrutable providence at work, yet again.

Notice Judah deceives his father with a goat and coat (clothing), and is then deceived in the very next chapter by Tamar, with a goat and a cord (clothing) (Gen 37-38).

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