
Justification, Full Stop?

"We are not justified by our love....  We are justified only by faith in [Jesus Christ's] finished work.  But those who are justified by faith are given the glorious calling to live and love like Jesus..."

This was the conclusion of a stellar Tabletalk article on loving your neighbor.
(March 2018, "Christ and the Love of Neighbor," JR Vassar)

I wanted to emphasize one aspect in the quote above.  I sometimes hear those zealous for the doctrines of grace (a special class of them that I call TR's, the Truly Reformed in their own minds) say that we are justified by faith alone [JFA], full stop.  Don't say anything more, don't qualify that or you undermine it.

This is going too far.  See the quote above, again.  "We are justified only by faith in His finished work.  But..."  There IS more to say.  What comes next should never undercut or undo the essential assertion of JFA.  TR's have had plenty of experience with those seeking to do just that while paying lip service to JFA, so I don't fault their concern and motivation.  But if there wasn't more to say, Romans would have ended at chapter 5 or 11, Galatians somewhere in chapter 5, Ephesians at chapter 3.

We must consider our justification by faith alone - we have favor with God, apart from our striving to obey God.
We must also consider our "glorious calling to live and love like Jesus."

We are not justified by a faith that is alone.

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