
Good Poems - a review


Good PoemsGood Poems by Garrison Keillor
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The title is apt. These poems aren’t the great classics for the most part, but lesser known and more homely ones. Often endearing, sometimes disturbing or risqué, I read 2-3 poems a day for about 2 years, for a change of pace from other work and reading.

O, my love’s like a red, red rose… (Burns)
Tell all the Truth, but tell it slant… (Emily Dickinson)
Ode to the Medieval Poets – W.H. Auden
Home on the Range – Anonymous – (the whole thing!)

Keillor regularly recited poems on the Prairie Home Companion, and this is a compilation of them.
Many of these poems reflect Keillor's own wandering from orthodox Christianity, so stay alert...

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