
Things I Never Noticed in the Bible - Genesis 5-6

God named people "Man" (Gen 5:2).  Then He had Adam name the animals.  There is a hierarchy here.  Naming someone/thing is an act of authority over them (as parents do with their children).  Having people or creatures under us should not get us uppity, for we have a Creator over us.

Enoch (Gen 5:21-24) was the 7th generation from Adam, and special.  He did not die.  This is a type of Christ, the 7th -generation seven from Abraham (Matthew 1:17).

Genesis 6:22, where Noah does what God tells him to do, reminds me of the great Jewish rabbit joke about chutzpah.  God's people are meant to argue with Him.  When God told Abraham He was going to destroy Sodom, Abraham protested, but what if there are 50 righteous there?  Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?  When God told Moses He was going to wipe out Israel and start over with Moses, he protested: but then what will the Egyptians think?  But when God told Noah He was going to destroy the earth, Noah just said, "How big do you want the boat?"  This is a joke.  With a serious point: we should wrestle with God in His plan for the world, our nation and our own lives.

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