
Things I Never Noticed in the Bible - Genesis 50

Joseph cares closely for the body of his dead father.  He embalms and buries him, which is more fitting with the hope of resurrection than cremation.

Unlike a few chapters later in the Bible, Pharaoh lets Israel go "to worship and come back."  Absent the slavery of Exodus, Israel is willing to leave their children and property in Egypt, and PLANS to come back.  Nothing in Egypt is preventing them from serving God there, at this point.

A highlight of Genesis is 50:15-21.  Joseph's brothers, still racked with guilt, fear him, and even tell a lie (probably) to get him to not prosecute and kill them, as Joseph now could.  Joseph's response is not to blame them for the lie, and hold their sin against him over them.  He truly forgives them.  He knows it is not his place to judge and condemn, even though he is prince of Egypt - that is God's place (vs 19).

Instead, he tells them twice not to fear.  He mentions their real sin against him briefly, but calls them to focus on God's providence and kindness, even in their sin.  They now have a place to survive.

Genesis ends with the death of the patriarch of the line of promise.  As the whole Old Testament, this propels us forward to ask, "What is God going to do about it, to keep His promises?"  Resurrection is coming...

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