
Jesus Hears John Was Beheaded

 We read Matthew 14 as a family tonight, and it was very compelling.

Jesus hears His cousin John was beheaded, and He goes off to be alone for a while.  He had a foretaste of His own sacrifice that was coming.  He wasn't running away from it, but needed or wanted some time to think it through.  It was a prequel to Gethsemane.

But the people follow Him, and He has compassion on them.  He feeds them.

When we face trials and trauma, we need some time alone to reflect.  But we can't hole up and isolate.  We also need to serve and be with others.  When the sheep are hurting, they tend to wander off.  The shepherd notices, draws closer, and brings them back with tender feeding.  Even when we walk through the shadow of death, He is with us.  Jesus feeding us at His table, our cup running over, is more needed at those times than ever.

When horrible things happen to you, give yourself time to work through it.  But do so with others.  And find ways to give to others.  It feels like you don't have anything to give, and you don't want to.  Like breaking your leg, then doing physical therapy to walk again.  It hurts, and you don't want to.  You just want to crawl into a hole in the fetal position.  But giving is an essential part of working through the trauma.

I was awestruck to realize in Matthew 14 that Jesus went through this, just like we do.  He didn't respond sinfully.  He didn't isolate completely.  He saw the needs of others in His own pain, and reached out in service and compassion.  What a faithful high priest we have, who can sympathize with us in our own weakness!

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