
Abortion Rhetoric // Middle East // A Suffering Ministry // Dante

 Yesterday I drove most of the day.  Here's a rundown of what I listened to.

First, the worst billboard I've seen in a while:

"We just lost the right to choose.  Now what?  Just vote."

What a lie from the pit of hell.  The right to choose what?  If a state legalizes incest for 50 years, it SHOULD take away that "right."  Killing children in the womb should similarly be against the law.  This billboard is a classic case of framing the issue the way you want, to get your way.  What if pro-lifers wised up and tried their own?

"Dobbs put the lives of babies back in our Mitten (Michigan) hands.  Vote pro-life.  Vote NO on Petition 3."  Somebody make a picture of a Michigan mitten holding/cradling a small baby....

Jordan Peterson had Israel's last ambassador on his show, to talk about the geopolitics of the Middle East.  It was very enlightening.  Of course he's biased as an Israeli, but he lays out the pieces on the chess board quite objectively.

Main takeaway: Obama and John Kerry really botched things, insisting on deals with Iran and the Palestinians, when the key to the region is to counterbalance those evil/corrupt regimes with alliances with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, etc.  Trump figured this out late, but got the Abraham accords done - peace treaties between a handful of Arab nations with Israel.  A major accomplishment that no one will talk about, because Trump did it.


Doug Wilson sermon from 2 Corinthians 5, on humility, forgiveness, serving, and suffering in Christian service.  Doug can take a complicated text, make it easy to understand, and then bring you serious Gospel application.


Over at Fight, Laugh, Feast, Knox talked with Jason Farley about Dante.

It's long, but there are some real gems in there:

 - Nothing exists for its own sake (including art).

 - Reading Dante, you're supposed to be thinking, "Would I fit there?"  "Is that me, in that circle of Hell?"  "Am I going to wind up there?"

No link - don't think it's up yet.  The podcast is from last week.

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