
An Exercise in Memery


I'm not really into political memes much, but I can't stop laughing at this one.

Mainly, I want to know what Trump said that made Tucker laugh so hard, I guess...

Memes get a lot said at once, on multiple levels, so they are powerful.

But they are also dangerous, because what's said is mere assertion or assumption, never persuasion.

Memes simply reinforce our priors, and polarize us further.

Much better to read persuasive pieces which sharpen the mind.

Or at least ask yourself, why is this true?  Why am I laughing?

Here are some assertions this one makes.  Pretty sure I agree with all except the last one.

1. A Trump-Tucker alliance is felicitous.

2. The raid was sent by Biden or his cronies.

3. Trump's family is cleaner, and less hypocritical than Biden's.

4. Trump can outwit the deep state's designs on him.

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