
Laundry Basket Boats


There are so many fun moments in our home - like when these two decided to cram themselves into a laundry basket together and wildly shake it back and forth to the point of tipping over. Of course I knew they were being Peter and Andrew in their fishing boat during one of Gallilee's fierce storms. But here, the storm is over and they are just Grace and Owen again, brother and sister enjoying each other's company and fellowship.

It's amazing how the sibling relationship in a family is a small picture of Christ's Kingdom. These two will fight and wrestle and argue and pull hair and everything else your average sin-filled child will do. Yet they are learning to seek forgiveness from each other, little models of grace in everyday life. After the "I"m sorry, I was wrong" and "I forgive and still love you's" are given, they go right back to their play together. No grudges, short accounts. What a great reminder for me to do likewise with my brothers and sisters in God's family.

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