
Communion exhortation - 2/11/07

What is going on when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper? We are being fed in our souls by uniting with our Savior, Jesus Christ. We receive Christ, by faith. Although Christ’s body is in heaven, there is a real joining - a union here, accomplished by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus asks us to do this to remember Him, but more in going on here than just using some visual aids to help us remember Him, or to move us more deeply. Jesus also calls Himself the bread of God, come down from heaven. He says that unless we eat this bread – His Body – unless we drink this wine – His blood of the covenant – we have no life in us. Where there is faith, there is union with Christ. If we aren’t united to the vine we are dry and dead and cannot be saved. Eating and drinking here signifies that union, renews it, reconfirms it to us. We receive what we need for life – Jesus Christ.

Also remember that in this Supper, Jesus is feeding His own Body, the Church. Just as husbands are to nourish and cherish their wives, as their own bodies, so we see Christ nourishing us, His Body, here. So be mindful of the whole Body as you partake. This isn’t about making you as an individual more spiritual. We do this together, as one Body. Discern the Body as you partake. This means the Body of Christ you see embodied in the bodies sitting around you. Realize you are all part of the same Vine.

If you are sinning blatantly, and are callously indifferent and unrepentant about it, please refrain from this supper. It will only bring further judgement on you. But if you are grieving over your sin, painfully aware that you have dirtied the pure name of Christ in whom you were baptized, please do not stay away. Your forgiving Father welcomes home prodigal children and sets a feast before them as fully restored sons and daughters. Eat and drink with thankful hearts today.

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