
Leviticus 11-12

Chapter 11 - clean and unclean animals
Animals on land: those with split hoof and cud-chewers are clean, with some exceptions.
Animals in water: those with fins and scales are clean.
Animals in the air: no principle, but just mentioned case by case. Flying/creeping insects are mostly unclean.

Vss 24-38 discusses the ways in which unclean animal carcasses defile things/people around them, and how to deal with it.

39-40 - what happens when a clean animal dies (not killed for eating).

44-45 - Israel is to be like God: holy and set apart from the rest of the world.

Chapter 12 - after birth
1-4 - mom is unclean for 7 days. Circumcise on the 8th day. Then 33 days of uncleanliness before she can enter the tabernacle, etc. This is what Luke 2:21-22 describes concerning Mary and Jesus.

5 - mom is unclean for twice as long if the child is a girl. No explanation is given.

6-8 - after the unclean period, the woman goes to the tabernacle and offers a yearling lamb (burnt offering) and a pigeon or dove (sin offering), or if they can't afford that, two pigeons or doves (1 burnt, 1 sin). Joseph and Mary could not afford the lamb.

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