
Prayer // White Fragility Summary // Race and God's Image

It's always good to get back to basics on prayer.
Don Whitney helps.

Tim Challies helpfully summarizes a popular book on race.
It's really awful, so not worth buying or reading, but knowing it's assertions is important, as many are being persuaded of them.

Kevin DeYoung is consistently good.  This article on race is a biblically sound rejoinder to diAngelo's White Fragility.  (I don't know if he meant it as such.)  It suffers from being too abstract at points, but by doing so, he deftly applies the same biblical truth to opposite sides in our current debates regarding how we view other races, the police, protesters, etc.

"... a feeling shared by almost everyone: Why are you judging me based on the worst examples of my skin color, my ethnicity, or my profession?"

You know, for decades in the evangelical church, conservatives were told by liberals to stop trying to be the Holy Spirit, convicting the culture overly much of sins like abortion and sodomy.  Interesting how now that the Revolution is trying to convict the whole nation of the sin of racism, we never hear that protest anymore.

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