
What Does the Silent Majority Really Think?

It’s hard to tell these days which of these two statements is true.

1.      Conservative Christians have become the minority in the culture.  Leftists have captured and permeated institutions such as the media, higher education, and bureaucracies to such an extent that the mere assertion of a conservative thought is liable to get one harassed or fired.

2.      The main stream media has shifted from a liberally biased institution, to one of intense advocacy of the radical left.  Thus, while the headlines give us the perception that the country is shifting left, this is a misperception.  The advocates/editors writing the headlines decide what the major story of the day will be, and what the bumper sticker headline will be.  Meanwhile, most Americans haven’t really changed their basic outlook, and are more and more disturbed by the “news.”

I think only the November election will give us a clear indicator which is more true.  Polls can be rigged by the slant of the question.  Headlines do not represent what people are thinking, though they try to SHAPE what people think.

Alternate conservative news sites like Daily Wire want to convince you of the first statement above, so you will listen to them.  My gut instinct is that the second one is true, even though I like what the conservative news outlets say and assume to be true.

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