
Sermon in process

From Zechariah 7

You’re feeling bad because they’re trying to take the 10 commandments off of court buildings? You should feel worse about the disobedience of the last 50 or 100 years that has led to that mindset. Deal with the mindset in people’s hearts; then you won’t have to fight it out in Congress and in court.

People were asking Zechariah if they should still be fasting for the destruction of the temple when they were building a new one. The response: you should be bemoaning the disobedience of your fathers that led to the temple's destruction.

It's sort of like treating your kids disrespectfully and hypocritically for 15 years and then weeping and wailing when they don't respect you. What did you expect?

Or, like our 1-year old who angrily throws his food on the floor and then cries that he doesn't have any food. Like God, parents don't have much respect for that kind of wailing.

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