
Out of state!

I am at the CCEF national conference in Philadelphia. Great stuff.
Title: Sex Matters
Here are the first talks I've heard.

Pre-conference – Doing Pastoral Care in the church
1. What’s right about sex? Winston Smith - CCEF teacher
2. The Fall: Sex Contaminated - Ed Welch – CCEF faculty - author
3. Marriage, Adultery, and God’s Wrath: How the Prophets Express God’s Passion
by Mike Kelly – Prof at Westminster - East

These talks are coming yet
4. When sex in marriage doesn't work
by Phil Monroe - prof at Biblical Theological Seminary
5. Jesus our Redeemer - David Powlison - Westminster prof, CCEF teacher
6. Redeeming Sex for Singles - Lauren Winner - author
7. How Church Leaders Should Respond to Sexual Abuse - Tim Lane and Aaron Sironi
8. When a Spouse Has a Headache - Ed Welch - CCEF teacher and author
9. Redeeming Sex in Marriage - Mike Emlet - CCEF teacher
10. Sex and Heaven: Why Sex isn't everything - Tim Lane - CCEF director

Bought these books so far (I'm done!), not related to the conference topic
Calvin in the Public Square: Liberal democracies, rights, and civil liberties
Satan Cast Out: A Study in Biblical Demonology
Precious remedies against Satan's devices - Thomas Brooks, puritan
Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling - Kruis

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