
Slow to Believe

Luke 24:25-26
Then He said to them,  “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?”

Heavenly Father, we confess that we are slow of heart to believe. The news hardly sinks in. We are thick-headed to realize it, and slower yet to act according to this joyous news. Jesus Christ is risen! Forgive us our slowness. Your Son told His disciples several times before it happened that He would rise again. He raised Lazarus and others to life from death. And still they lost hope at His death. Lord, we confess our lack of faith, our loss of hope when times are dark. Sometimes we even take our anxiety as a badge of piety, instead of confessing it as a sin. Forgive our fretting, when we forget our freedom and life in the Lord. Forgive our trying to fix our faults on our own, forgetting Your power to revive, heal and forgive. Forgive us we pray in the name of Jesus, who offered Himself as the lamb to take away our sins, who rose again for our justification.

Resurrection Day

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