
First Freedoms - a book review

First Freedoms: Drawing Near to God by Cultivating a Wholehearted Prayer LifeFirst Freedoms: Drawing Near to God by Cultivating a Wholehearted Prayer Life by Jennifer Barnett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What weeds need removing from your life?
How does God mean for you to flourish and reflect His glory better?

In this book, Barnett covers the basics of the Christian life simply, with great illustrations.
The author is a friend of a friend, and this book was a treat to discover.

Sometimes I noticed she’s probably more charismatic than me, but that didn’t intrude overmuch.

Each chapter ended with questions for reflection and prayer, and questions for group discussion.

Having read mostly more theological writings in the last 20 years, I’ve found shifting gears to more spiritual edification like this to be very helpful. I highly recommend this book, especially if you are struggling with your relationship to God or your sanctification.

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