
Seismic Shifts - a book review


Seismic Shifts: The Little Changes That Make a Big Difference in Your LifeSeismic Shifts: The Little Changes That Make a Big Difference in Your Life by Kevin G. Harney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great book to spur you on to growth in the Christian life.

Continuing my streak of practical Christian living reading, Harney covers most of the basics: Scripture reading, prayer, giving, evangelism. But he also throws in some surprises: eating well. Using your tongue to build up instead of burn down. Resting in God’s peace instead of being anxious.

When I got toward the end, I admit I groaned. 3 chapters each on giving and evangelism! But they were good and many Christians today need to hear this perspective again. We need to be generous with our time and money for others, since we are merely stewarding our lives for God’s glory, not building our own empires. We need to see other people not as evangelism projects but as the image of God to value and love for their own sake, not so we can boast in converting them.

The book is 15 years old, and he is more enthusiastic for the Willow Creek model than I am. But it’s definitely worth the read. Especially if you’re sensing a need for change and growth in your walk with the Lord Jesus.

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