
The Cruciform Way II - a book review

The Cruciform Way: A Steady Cadence of Christ for LifeThe Cruciform Way: A Steady Cadence of Christ for Life by Christopher Ian Thoma
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Lutheran pastor local to me writes compellingly of the Christian life.

Tuned to the church year, one 3-6 page chapter per Sunday, this has been a staple of my Sabbath reading for a while.

Thoma’s solid orthodoxy brings him to apply the gospel of forgiveness and the importance of the visible means of grace, to many areas of life.

A few highlights:

“Video-game manufacturers are the modern day mind-altering drug dealers to this generation” (pg 145).

“What good is standing against the wealth-stealing pestilence of big-government socialism when you can’t rightly govern your tithes and offerings to the Lord with the current freedom you possess?” (199).

In worship, “you will hear a single voice – your pastor’s voice – and it will be for you as the Lord’s own voice announcing you need not fear. You need not be uneasy. You need not be afraid. Through repentance and faith in His merciful love, you belong with Him and He will not push you away” (229).

“Abortion is about a radicalized individualism that takes what it wants and gets rid of what it doesn’t. In America it’s only ‘Baby Joy!’ if we want it. It’s a fetus… if we don’t” (244).

HIGHLY recommended reading.

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