
Habitation of Dragons review

Habitation of DragonsHabitation of Dragons by Keith Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Our lives, our souls, are the habitation of dragons.

Keith Miller wrote over 50 years ago, and I found it compelling. An autobiography, he considers the ways he is tempted to various sins. Pride. Envy. Anger. Ambition.

His format is devotional: 2-3 pages of writing, then a few quotes, and a prayer. Easy to read a chapter in 5-10 minutes, per day.

Some will see it as overly “navel-gazing,” but there is a time for introspection and considering one’s sins and temptations. The HONESTY is what struck me most. Miller has a way of vividly describing the (mostly non-physical) temptations that come upon us all.

“To know that I am not alone with the shameful dragons I fight in my inner life is very encouraging,” he writes in the introduction. And so this book is convicting, but also encouraging.

Miller was a teacher and speaker in the church in full time Christian ministry, so I related to much of what he had to say. Some of his dragons were unique to that world, but many were common to all.

Written in 1970, a few things are dated, but surprisingly little.

I highly recommend this book to any Christian pursuing sanctification, especially against sins of the mind.

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