
Advent and the Septuagint, part 8

Fascinating, researching OT links on Luke 1:78.

The Dayspring (NKJV), or rising sun (NIV), is the Greek word anatole. Same word used to name the Messiah "Branch" in Jeremiah 23:5, Zechariah 3:8 and 6:12. And the glory of Yahweh that rises upon you, in Isaiah 60:1-2? Anatole. This is Jesus: the rising sun bringing light to a dark world; the branch that springs up with life and nourishment (Isa 11:1; 60:19-22).

It doesn't come through in the English very well - just a loose connection of risings and comings up.

Now I have another good example for why some people (ministers, hopefully?) need to know and use Hebrew and Greek.

Historical sidenote: I'm pretty sure that one word for the modern country Turkey, Anatolia, comes from the same roots, although I'd have to research that one some more...

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