
Communion Exhortation - 1/27/08

Sermon text - Colossians 1:19-23

Jesus told us to do this to remember Him, and so we set before ourselves the signs He gave us of His body, His sacrifice, His death. But we are not remembering Christ and His benefits in isolation from the Father. We are communing with the Father as we remember His Son. And so we are also setting before the Father the signs Jesus gave us of His body, His sacrifice, His death. We want the Father to remember Jesus, and so be at peace with us. This is not a sacrifice that appeases the Father, but it does picture the only sacrifice that did satisfy His wrath against us. We come to this Table and plead Christ’s death to the Father, sure of friendship His death brings.

The table itself is a true sign of peace. You have a meal with those you are most at peace with. Everyone comes washed up and ready. Of course, we cannot clean ourselves before this supper, we have to be given a bath in Christ’s blood to be presented holy at the Table. We can only prepare ourselves to partake if God first prepared our hearts to want to partake.

We proclaim the Lord’s death here at this Table until He comes again. We show forth His death here – broken bread signifying a torn, sacrificial body offered up to atone for sins. A broken body. Adam’s body was divided and a bride brought out, only to be reunited with Adam’s body more gloriously and fruitfully. The world, created through Christ, was broken and fell out of fellowship with Him. But a new creation came from a new Adam, whose body was also broken. A new bride came from His side, born of blood and water, a new union with our creator begun, both more glorious and more fruitful than ever.

So enjoy the fellowship the relationship, the communion you have with Your heavenly Father, with His Son, and with His body gathered around you.

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