
Communion Exhortation - 2/24/08

Text: Matthew 10:32-33

Here at this table you have tangible assurance and proof of God’s confession that you are His child, through faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ. God confesses you are His before the world and before His angels. He does this here by visibly offering us His Son. He did not spare Him, but gave Him up for us all. Our heavenly Father proclaims His love for the world here, showing that He gave His Son, so that whoever believes in Him will have life.

God is acting here. He gives His Son for the life of the world.

We are also acting here. We are confessing and proclaiming that Jesus is the life of the world, even as we proclaim His death here. But God means for us to proclaim His death everywhere else we go, too. This Table in God’s house is at the center of the world, just as it always has been. At the beginning the tree of life was in the midst of the garden, but our sin cut off the way to the fruit of that tree. Later, the table in God’s house was in the holy place in the temple. The tables in our houses are at the center of our homes. We are fed food and the Word there, by fathers and mothers. And as the Gospel is proclaimed at family tables and at this table, our proclamation is to spill over into the world. Let this food strengthen you to do so.

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