
Establishing Your Heart

Hebrews 13:8-9
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.

Scripture tells us here, what we will also see in John 1.  Jesus is eternally the same.  Because of that, we don’t want to be chasing the latest fads in our thinking about Him.  Such fads reflect the world and the times more than the truth of who Jesus is.

One way fads show up for us is in our food.  New recipes, diets, ingredients.  Now, as with science, there are things we have learned that we didn’t know 800 years ago, and it’s a good thing.  So stay on top of good nutrition for your family, by all means.  But how is your heart established?  Heb 13:9 says by grace.  By grace.  When it goes on to say not by foods, it is talking mainly about the temple sacrifices you would eat.  Aren’t you misapplying the text, then, preacher, you might ask?  No, this is a how much more argument.  If God doesn’t want believers occupied anymore with ritual food laws He actually wrote into the Bible, how much more does He not want us distracted from the Eternal Lord Jesus by fads and foods not mentioned in the Bible at all?

Lots of things call for our attention today, many of them good, some of them harmless fun.  But the advertisement usually wants you setting your heart on their product.  Will a political election establish our nation one way or another?  Not without the grace of God moving hearts first.

Establish your heart by grace, by the eternal Jesus Christ.

Let us confess our sins together, of setting our hearts on created and lesser things, instead of on our great and good Father in heaven.


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