
Exodus 39-40; 1 Peter 1-5

Exodus 39 - They make the priestly garments, and bring them and all the tabernacle items to Moses.  As at creation, he sees it and blesses it all.

40 - Moses erects the tabernacle and puts everything in place.  God's glory fills it - the cloud by day, and pillar of fire at night.

1 Peter 1 - Bless God who made you alive to resurrection hope and an inheritance in heaven, though you have to go through troubles here on earth first.  You've seen and heard of the things prophets foretold long ago.  So live like exiles, apart from the passions of this earth, since you've been redeemed by unearthly things: the blood of Jesus.  You were also born again by unearthly seed: the Word of God, which endures, unlike earthly flesh and grass.

2 - As you put off sin and are fed in the Lord, you are built into a spiritual temple and priesthood, offering sacrifice to God.  So keep your conduct pure, honoring authorities, even if mistreated.  Jesus did this, and He bore our sins, healed our wounds, brought us home from straying.

3 - Wives should be subject to husbands, and modest in dress.  Husbands should be understanding and honoring of their wives.  Be kind to each other.  Be ready to suffer and give a reason for your hope in Christ.  Jesus suffered, too, and gave an answer to the imprisoned spirits.  You are baptized, preserved from their judgment, as you appeal to God in sincerity.

4 - be ready to suffer - the world will be surprised you don't indulge as they do.  Love others sacrificially instead.  You will face trials - make sure you only suffer unjustly for being a Christian, not justly for being a jerk.  Entrust your soul to God when it happens.

5 - Elders should shepherd the flock with true hearts.  Humble yourselves before each other, and God, trusting Him with your anxieties.  Resist Satan.  Remember your fellow Christians suffering around the world.  God will establish you.

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