
Revolution Ravages // Political balance // 1619 Project

RR Reno in First Things, on the Curse of the Sexual Revolution
The revolution has been hard on the lower class and the weak.  They are egalitarian in that they assume the same rules apply to all.  The revolution doesn't work that way, but favors the upper classes' privilege.  (Apr 2022)

Anthony Esolen in Touchstone "Older and Wiser"
He is no longer freaked out by the political "sky is falling" op eds.  On the other hand, ginning up optimism leads to toiling and spinning for things of little consequence.  I see the latter in some of my circles: the most stridently optimistic or post-mil are the most obsessed with (and anxious about) politics. (Jul/Aug 2023)

Excellent article exposing the fraud of Nikole Hannah-Jones, purveyor of the "debilitating cult of racial resentment and victimization."  

So many good quotes here!

"She launched her crusade [against privilege] from a position of ultimate cultural privilege" - the New York Times!

"America cannot be healed by men and women who hate their country, loathe its principles, and see nothing but racism in its most noble truths and affirmations."

"Hannah-Jones prefers to denounce rather than to understand."

"Celebrity demagogue Ibram X. Kendi (ne Henry Rogers) refuses to acknowledge that any real 'progress' has been made in American society regarding race and racism since 1865.  But is anything more racist than to suggest that white people have oppression built into their civic DNA?"

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