
Exodus 7-13

Exodus 7 - at their first encounter with Pharaoh, Aaron's staff turns into a snake, but the Egyptians do it, too.  They confront Pharaoh in the morning, and turn the Nile waters into blood, at God's instruction.

8 - Moses announces the second plague to Pharaoh: frogs swarming up from the Nile into their kitchens.  Egypt's magicians also produce frogs, but Pharaoh asks Moses to take them away.  Gnats are the 3rd plague, and Egypt's magicians can't reproduce it.  Flies are the 4th plague, and they come only on Egypt, not Israel.  Pharaoh offers to let Israel worship within Egypt, but Moses says that's not good enough.  When the flies are gone, Pharaoh changes his mind and doesn't let them go at all.

9 - 5th plague: all Egyptian livestock die; none of the Israelites' do.
6th plague: painful sores or boils come on the Egyptians' bodies.
7th plague: hail.  God warns Pharaoh that He could have killed him by now, but is showing him God's power, instead.  Pharaoh promises to let them go, but changes his mind, because not all the crops are destroyed.

10 - 8th plague: locusts. Pharaoh tries to set terms, allowing only the men to go (so they will come back).  Pharaoh changes his mind after begging Moses to remove the locusts, and God does it.
The 9th plague is unannounced for the first time: darkness for 3 days.  Pharaoh again negotiates: all the people, but no animals may go (so they will come back).

11 - God says one more plague will do it.  Ask Egyptian neighbors to give you gold and silver jewelry - they'll do it.  Moses announces the last plague to Pharaoh: death of all Egyptian firstborn at midnight.

12 - Passover instructions: pick a lamb per house on the 10th day, and kill it on the 14th day at twilight.  Spread some of its blood on your door, and eat it with your traveling clothes on.  This will also be the first day of the 7-day feast of Unleavened Bread.  Moses instructs Israel in all this.  The firstborn die.  Pharaoh sends them away.  They take their unleavened bread and Egyptian jewelry, during this "night of watching," 600,000 men, after 430 years in Egypt.  God clarifies that you have to be circumcised to eat the Passover.

13 - Israel keeps Unleavened Bread, and sets apart and redeems all firstborn of man and beast, to remember the Exodus.  God leads Israel by pillar of cloud and fire, day and night.  He doesn't go the short way to Canaan, which would mean war with the Philistines, but to the desert and Sinai.  Moses takes Joseph's bones, as Joseph had requested.

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