
Genesis 21-24; John 12-13

Genesis 21 - God keeps His promises and Sarah has Isaac.  Abram sends Hagar and Ishmael away, but God preserves them.  Abraham is officially recognized by the establishment at Beersheba.

22 - God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, but stops him at the last second, and promises to bless him for his willingness - the very thing God will actually do 2000 years later, on the same spot!  Abraham hears his clan is growing - potential wives for Isaac.

23 - Sarah dies and Abraham takes the opportunity to buy land to bury her.

24 - Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac from Nahor's clan.  With everyone serving and hospitable, the mission succeeds, and Isaac marries Rebekah.

John 12 - Mary pours expensive perfume on Jesus' feet, an act of deep submission - Judas objects because he embezzled.  Jesus enters Jerusalem acclaimed as the King of Israel.  Some Greeks ask to see Jesus, but He says it's time for Him to die now.  The Father confirms it with a voice from heaven.  Many still don't believe Jesus, confirming Isaiah's prophecy.

13 - Jesus washes His disciples' feet to show them He is about to serve them in a deep way.  He predicts Judas' betrayal, and Peter's denial, calling them to love each other.

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